a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Holybob in swissewlund pawt Deaux

Hewo Evewyfwiend, 

this is pawt two of my adventoowe in Swissewlund, whewe we go climb a mountain(ackshully climb down which is much hawdew accowding to Mommi and Daddi's knees 

I has chance to weaw my gowgoos jumpew that my Bwuddew Biwchhuwst Bentley bought fow me fwom Sowena Nute fow a chawity auckshun to help tewwiews

and Mommi was abull to achieve hew ambishun to play Heidi wif an adowabull littol goat.
 I made anofew smileybox fow yoo and hope you can see it and enjoy the bootiful scnenewy..
wish you coold have sniffed that aiw and wun awound wif me 

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smoochie kisses


Duke said...

What a fabulous trip and you even got to kiss a goat, Asta! We just adore your colorful jumper!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

What Remains Now said...

Wonderful adventure. I think that is the best and most handsome jumper I've ever seen! You wear it well, Asta.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Love the smile box and love your gorgeous jumper. Mum just loves the picture of your mum with the little goat. Hugs GJ x

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Love the smile box and love your gorgeous jumper. Mum just loves the picture of your mum with the little goat. Hugs GJ x

Gus said...

We have just watched it for the third time and are still smiling

gus n teka

Cowspotdog said...

What a beautiful adventure and you look so adorable - I bet everyone just wanted to cuddle with you

The Florida Furkids said...

What a fantastic vacation you had. The views from the mountain were wonderful, the noms looked delicious (Mom wants those local meats) and you even got to stand in snow.

The Florida Furkids

tubby3pug said...

what an adventure and LOVE your coat

urban hounds

Anonymous said...

First of all, you looked SO beautiful in that bright jumper, Asta! Well, you always look beautiful of course...

Great Smilebox! Loved seeing all the green and clouds down on the mountains.

I remember reading, then watching "Heidi" when I was in 3rd grade. Love the fact that your Mommi got to re-enact Heidi with that goat! :) What a cool thing to do.

Elyse (and Riley)

Millie and Walter said...

Thanks for sharing your fantastic vacation with us. You look so cute in your jumper too.

Millie & Walter

Anonymous said...

Oh Asta, what a lovely time. I just adore your coat!!

Jo's World said...

What a gorgeous smile box you made for us. It was almost like being right there with you. Thank you!

You look lovely in your new jumper, Asta, that was a perfect gift for you.

Cheers and hugs,
Stella, Jo and Zkhat

Ziggy Stardust said...

Asta, that was incredible! What a fun and interesting smiley box. I have never had rhubarb but Mommy loves it. I am glad you had such a wonderful trip. I hope your Mommy is feeling better.

Loveys Sasha

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh Asta
you are so lucky to see such beautys that you get to see!!! Goodness- what a beautiful world.
And I adore your jumper and wish I had one! I love all the rainbow colors.

WFT Nobby said...

Asta, even I (who do not normally approve of clothing) will concede that your new jumper is just lovely. Come next winter in Budapest, I am sure you will wear it lots.
Gail smiled when she read that Mommi wanted to play Heidi. Gail first went to Switzerland to visit her godmother when she was six years old, and she too fulfilled the same Heidi fantasy. At about the same age Gail also started fantasising about having a dog. It took a lot longer (i.e. another 35 years) for that dream to come true!
Toodle pip!
PS We haven't time to look at the smiley box just now, but will return later for sure.

Unknown said...

Fabulous time you have had in Heidi land Asta. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

Oh! To be there in person to drink in so much beauty! One word for your trip: GLORIOUS. And one word for you, Miss Asta, in your darling patchwork coat: FETCHING.
Happy days and fond memories of this trip to you all,

da tabbies o trout towne said...

asta....thanx mew onze again for sharin de awesum pick surez... we loved em all...R fav rites frum thiz batch bee de wosti lunch...whoa....way high up on de balconeez...we iz gettin dizzee...we lafffed ta see flowerz N green grazz rite next ta snow.....yur tour guide gweti wuz veree help full...N we guess de "welcome bak ta de ground cows" were two .....N we iz wunderin if ya getted ta drinkz any boxer biere :)!!! we appreciates sharin de pick sures coz we getz ta see a place wee will never bee abe bull ta see :)

Anonymous said...

OMD Asta, thanks so much for that smilebox, what a great place loved you jumper and bet you had a great time with your tour guide Greda. Oh Dad went nuts over the mushroom soup, Me give me that plate of cheese and meets. All i can say is WOW, would like to have done that with you.

The Mad Scots

Anonymous said...

First: your coat looks gorgeous - my mom would like to wear it too! Thanks for inviting me to the mountains. My mom felt like in her beloved book of "Heidi" that she had as she was a puppy! Now she is waiting for a guy like Peter... no idea whos dat boy...

Ruby said...

Oooooh GURL! I LOVES your jumper!! That is very smart lookin'! I really brings out your eyes!
And OMD, you kissed a GOAT??!! Oh, wows, I almost fainted gurl! What a FABulous vaca you had!
I am so very jealous!!!
And Ma says she knows where she wants to live when she grows up!! BOL
Ruby ♥

Dexter said...

Momma loves your jacket. She says it is retro. I suppose that's a good thing. You have such wonderful adventures.


Pippa Sheltie said...

Wowee Asta, what a stunning place! That mountain looked very big, but I'm sure with you there, it was great to climb!
I must say, your jumper is really cool!
Good to see you're enjoying Switzerland!
Pippa :)

White Dog Blog said...

Those mountains are VERY different from ours...so green! We loved your goat guide and the lovely post hike meal...and all of the amazing views. Best of all we were thrilled to see all of the tail-wagging, smiling happiness!

Juno said...

Sissy! Thank you for your very kind comment the other day. :) :) We wish we were there with you. All pictures are so beautiful.

Momo & Pinot xo

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay that luks like a wunderful holybob!!! and dada sez yore koat luks like wun that doctor who mite hav given yoo!!! i askd him witch doctor and he just sed the doctor i gess he cannot be more specifik then that!!! ok bye

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

such beautiful photos, looks like a great time. And love your little jumper too

Sweepy said...

Asta, that a pawsome suit!
And I wish I can run with you but I feel lazy lately ;-(

Wyatt said...

Thanks for sharing your pictures. Just lovely. We can smell the fresh air and taste the fondue from here!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Islay said...

Dropping by to see how you've been. Gee, Asta, you're so pretty - and so is your mummy!

licks & slobberz

Sweet William The Scot said...

Asta what a marvelous Smilebox, you take me places I will never get to see in my life. Beautiful
Sweet William The Scot

The Daily Pip said...

Oh this trip looks amazing!! The mountains and the sky and the little goat! I think going up AND down would be hard on my knees!!

Your pal, Pip

Woody Airedale said...

Thank you for taking us along on your trip, such pretty pictures. Your coat is so nice. Luv the happy plaids. And you get to fly? It is a treat to get to see the country side all the way across the world. We are in Portland Oregon, lots of rain and green.