Hewo sweet fwiendses, it's again been ages since I posted
my apologies
I cooldn't access my bloggie fow a while( it's all a big mystewy )
anyway, My Mommi , Daddi and I wewe invited by ouw deew deew fwiend unkel Petew to cum visit him in Swissewlund last week.
it was soopew magical!
This is the fiwst time we have left Hungawy since we moved hewe a yeaw and a half ago, and it was a gwand adventoowe.
I gots to fly on the plane in the cabin and was complimented by all the aiw hostesses and captains . We flewed to Zuwich, (one houw flight), the twansfewed to a flight to Geneva(half houw flight) Mommi says the onliest pawt that takes long is to and fwom aiwepawts and all the check ins and stuff.
I wish I coold have visited my vawioos fwiends thewe, but time went Quickly and unkel Petew had the most glowwioos adventoowes fow us.
Mommi took a kazillion pictoowes and I am showing you in two pawts
today you can see Pawt one if you look at this smileybox I made fow you.
I hope you enjoyed my holybobs and that you awe all well and having a gweat summew.
I will have the west of my twip in a few days
until then,
smoochie kisses