a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Auntie Kawen's visit and Sickies

This was supposed to be a Most wondewful week,auntie Kawen came to visit us,
 but often things don't wowk like
 you planned

in the middle of hew visit, we found out that i have pwoblems wif my immoone system and my livew

natoowally, Mommi fweeked, we went back to the dogtow and he said to stop panicking, it can all get bettew, i just need medicins and foods to add to mine to fix me up

 we did have some wondewful times in between Mommi's meltdowns hewe is a smileybox of some of ouw days togethew this last week 
(auntie Kawen took lots mowe pictoowes, but I think you aweady saw all those places wif my othew visitows)
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I stawted taking my medicins and I went along on most of the adventoowes, and even played at home

you can't keep a tewwiew down fow long, hehehehe

thank you to all of you who heawd about this and sent me all youw kind wowds of healing and love..I'm detewmined to be just fine by my next blood test
fow now, I'm westing cause it's howwid hot hewe this week

smoochie kisses



Cowspotdog said...

you can't keep a good girl down and we know you can get all better in no time - you have so many more adventures to go on and tho show us

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Miss Asta, we just know you will be better in no time at all. We send you and your poor melty mum lots of hugs and smoochies. We loved your smilebox. You live in such a beautiful place. We are constantly amazed by it all. Take care sweetie pie. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Fred said...

Poor Asta! Hoping you feel much better soon!!!

Homer said...

Get well soon, Asta!


Millie and Walter said...

Dear Asta, I'm sorry to hear you have not been well. Thanks for sharing your adventures. I love seeing your new city in all those pictures.

Get well soon.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I am soooooo sorry that your immoooon system got sickie... butt glad that you are better NOW. It is good that it wasn't Worms or somethingy like that.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Please get well soonest dear Asta!!

love and special Scottish Licks from Marvin xxxxx

and get well Human wishes from my Jeannie xxxxx


We hope the medicine works pawtasticly. We can imagine your Mum fweeking. We are trying to use collie vibes to send you a palm frond, but it just isn't working.

FYI: The term "Three on a Match" was bad luck during the Crimean War and WW I. It had to do with it gave the snipers the time to ready, aim, fire. Definitely not good for a soldiers health.

Essex & Sherman

Unknown said...

Phew, I'm pooped! You do more in a week than we do in a year!

- Smitty (& Jessie!)

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes...we know ALL abouts mommies freaking out around here! I guess it's just in their dee-en-ay, don't you?

I'm sorry abouts your sickies but it sounds like you'll be right as rain before long. And I'm super happy you were able to shows your Auntie Karen such a good time! You really ARE the hostess with the mostest!

Wiggles & Wags,

WFT Nobby said...

Oh Asta, we are distraught to learn that you have been suffering sickies. You know all about nursing, and I hope you are now taking the very best care of yourself. Of course Mommi will be worried, but she and Daddi will be doing all they can, and I hope you can feel the healing vibes I am sending from Scotland, along with the others pouring in from all corners of the earth.
We have all our paws and fingers crossed over and over again, to help make sure that the next blood test comes out right.
Lots of love and hug and cuddles,
Bertie and Gail.

Duke said...

We have our paws crossed that the medicine and your good food will turn everything around for you, Asta! Make sure you take good care of yourself.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

The Florida Furkids said...

We're glad your problem is treatable. We saw on FB that your Mom was so worried and then we read the good news that the Vet said medicine will take care of it!

We love you and worry right along with your Mom when things are not right!!

The Florida Furkids and Lexi

tubby3pug said...

Oh my your mom must have been so scared, but you can get better so DONT let mom panic . We know you will be fine

urban hounds

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I am just so glad you are doing well. Keep it up my friend and get well soon.. Hugs GJ xx

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you have the sickies...! Bummer. Glad to hear it's something "fixable" and that you should be better with time. Also, glad to hear that Auntie Karen got to come visit! Hope you had lots of fun!!

Elyse and Riley

Finn said...

Oh Asta!!! Get well soon dear friend!

houndstooth said...

It's wickedly hot here, too! I hope you get a clean bill of health after your next doctor's visit!


Dexter said...

Miss Asta,
I know how much our mom's FREAK when there is anything wrong, but it sounds like you will be feeling fine with your special medicine food.


Lorenza said...

I hope the meds and the food are working for you, Asta!
My paws are crossed for you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Berts Blog said...

OH dear Asta, I did not know you were feeling sick. I am sorry and I hope you get better feeling really soon. Lots of fluids and lots of rest, or at least that is what my Vickie says.

White Dog Blog said...

Asta, you are amazing! Even when you are ailing you are still the perfect hostess. Auntie Karen looks like she must have had a fab time!

We are sending LOTS of White Dog healing energy that you do well on your next bloodwork and that these issues get under control quickly. We are sending Mommi lots of positive thoughts to keep her from panicking. Feel our paws around you all.

An art exhibit this Winter????? Fantastic!!!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You will be all bounced back soon Asta- I just know it.
Good food, medicine and love- thats all you need.
Now mommy needs to feel better tooo.. so we send her lots of love

Keith Andrea said...

Hi Asta, hope you will feel better soon.,out prayers are with you..

Dog Fence
Pet Solutions.com

The Black and Tans. said...

Asta we are pawsitive you will be all better once you have taken your medicines and foods. Your poor Mummy she must have been so very worried about you.

We thoroughly enjoyed all the photos of Auntie Karen's visit. We particularly enjoyed the bunny with the cotton wool tail, the handsome Airedale and Mummy drooled over the strudels.

Hope you are not melting in the heat, we looked at your weather and it seems very very hot.

Stay cool.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We're so sorry to hear that you've had the sickies, Asta. It sounds like the vert is taking very good of you and we hope you are feeling 100% better soonest!

Woofs and Purrs,
Tommy and The Chans

Gus said...

We are back from St. Loulis and should be able to keep up better. But we want to tell you again how happy we are that your vet has an answer for your libber and immmmune system. HAH. You are right. can't keep a good terrier down.

and if more kisses would help, we will send ALLLLLLLL of ours to you

gussie n teka

Winston said...

My Dawling Miss Asta,
Me hopes you awe fweeling bettew wiff you new foods and medESins!
No one nose bettew den me about Fweeking Mommies,,my Mommy Iz da biggest fweekzoid in da Wowld, butt dats jus cuz she loves me!!
You furiend,

Jo's World said...

Hi Asta! Despite you not feeling well, it looked like you had a lovely time with your Aunty. I will be thinking of you and working the POP!

Your new home is so beautiful, I would love to visit there someday, but don't think it could happen.


3 doxies said...

OMd...OMD...OMD Miss Asta I am just seein' dis...OMD...thank goodness you is gonna be okays and some drugs is gonna gets you all fixed up. I have total faith you will come through dat blood test withs flyin' colors cuz you is a terrier and well, I knows ya'll has a little stubborn streak...hehehehe.

Nows...your comments haven't been showing up through my emails so I nevers seen your comments and then I tried to email you twice withs no response and I thoughted you was mad at me. But then I wondered if you had even gotted da emails.


ThePainterPack said...

Dear Asta we are just hearing this news. So sorry that you are feeling poorly. And your poor mommy! We hope this new medicine and diet work for you and get you back in tip top shape!

The Daily Pip said...

Oh Miss Asta, I am so very sorry I am late ...my assistant has just been so lazy this week! I am so sorry you are not feeling well. I am doing my yorkie happy healing dance and I know you will be just fine. I just know it. Now, rest up because we all love you so much!

The pictures were just amazing. I sat in my assistant's lap and watched the slideshow with her. So many, yummy restaurants - a dog could just lose his mind looking at all those delicious meals! My assistant loves all the sidewalk cafes and of course, the open air markets. We don't have either where we live and she misses them something fierce.

Love, Pip

Unknown said...

We hope you get well soon. We are keeping our paws together in prayer, front paws and back:)

Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

The Thuglets said...

Asta..so sorry to here you are poorly. Sending you heaps of airezen nad pawsative thoughts for a very speedy recovery.
Fabulous slide show.

Extra Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Ziggy Stardust said...

Asta, my sweet pal. I hope you are feeling better as each day passes. I know how strong you are and you will conquer this!! I am crossing paws and hoping my biggest hopes for you. I am also sending a big blast of magic bubbles your way with healing loveys inside. Rest when you need to and please follow the doctors orders. I know in my heart that you will be fine.

Loveys Sasha

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Glad to hear that you are your playful self again. just take the medicines and be a good girl. Hope to hear some good news with your next visit to the vet.

Hope Aunty Karen's visit cheer up your Mommi.

rottrover said...

Oh Miss Asta...are you sure you don't just have an upset tummy from eating all those wonderful nommis? Your smilebox was amazing. You were a wonderful hostess. Your city is so, so bootiful. We are sending special rottie healing vibes to you. And love, too...

-Bart and Ruby

Unknown said...

Oh Asta! I'm sorry this is so late - I'm behind as usual with blog friends and only catching up now and saw this post now...you poor thing! And what rotten timing too, with your visitor! :-( But I'm glad to hear that the vet doesn't think it is too serious and "fixable" with some medicines & special foods. We will be thinking of you from Down Under and am sending lots of healing slobbers for you to get better!

Honey the Great Dane
ps. I loved your Smilebox! I always love coming along with you on your adventures!

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hi Asta my furiend,

We have been out of the loop for a while - not having the time to keep an eye on everyone I'm afraid. I was very sad to hear of your sickies but thank goodness you are going to be OK. I hope that it is not going to stop your peeps giving you samples of all that yummers food they keep eating!!??

I think your Aunt Kawen had the bestest time with your peeps....they are wonderful tour guides!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Jans Funny Farm said...

Looks like a good time was had by all, including you, Asta.

Glad you have medicine to help you get better. We can imagine your pawrents were worried about you.

Anonymous said...

Oh poor Asta! I have just returned from a long visit with my doggie-nephew, Junior, and his family. Sweet Junior suffers from just about every peril which can befall bichons. He has allergies, diabetes, and Cushing's disease. He is almost 14; and now my dear Junior is going blind. We are all so sad because we can sense that the time is coming that Junior will find himself unable to cope.
Then, to return and find you ill breaks my heart. Oh why, do doggies who love us so unconditionally get to stay for so short a time? I will be praying for your return to good health, Asta.
Happy Days, now- even
Happier Days soon!