a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Helping Miss Sunshade

Deew Fwiends

 I have a vewy speshull favow to ask of you

None of ouw hoomans like to ask fow help, but sometimes we have to take things into ouw own paws and do it fow them.

Ouw deew fwiend Miss Sunshade just had to have lifesaving emewgency suwgewy a little while ago and it cost jillions of gween papews. 

 ( you can weed about hew owdeal if you haven't heawd of it yet on hew bloggie)

It's way too many gween papews fow hew Mom ,Miss Elaine, to get togethew by hewself, so I'm asking you, my, and Sunshade's fwiends, to help if at all pawsibull 

Sunshade is home now wecoopewating and wif the medicins and POTP, she will wecovew and be wif us fow lots mowe yeaws

pleez watch this video put togethew by hew deew fwiends to see hew and it will explain how you can help

 in the meantime, I'm sending Sunshade one of my all powewful healing smoochies so that she can get well soonest and be back enjoying hew favowitest things

 (this is a we-cweation of how I would kiss my Sunshade if I could be thewe wif hew)

 Thank you fow weading and looking and helping!
smoochie kisses


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wowdless Wednesday

Pleez pway fow ouw fwiendses hooman and fuwwkids alike in these aweas!

image by Zoolatwy

wequested by 
For Susan and Austin

Shiloh and Shasta and Kim of Team Beaglebratz

(pee ess..this is not a twain, it's a city stweetcaw going into the Buda hills)

 smoochie kisses

Friday, June 22, 2012

Thanks to the Zoolatwy Giwls and anothew outing

A few days ago (befowe auntie Kawen's visit and my sickies) ouw fwiend Vewa called and asked if we wanted to go join a few fwiends fow dinnew at an outdoow place called "ROMAI PART" (it's along the Danoobe just outside the city)

Woman legions used to be stationed thewe, way back when Hungawy was called Pannonia by them

 People go thewe to walk and eat fish in one of the many outdoow casooal places

It's self sewvice fow the most pawt and most people go fow the fwied fishes

Mommi only gave me the tiniest pawt of the white fishy and no fwench fwies at all

we stayed till the sun went way down and it got all dawk

 Mommi cuddled me while she talked to Vewa , who is a sweetie and loves doggies
(she used to have the most bootiful wiwy daxi called Dezsö, who had to leave fow the bwidge a few yeaws ago)

 then Daddi held me until I fell asneep and it was time to go home late in the night..

 I love being able to go on all these gweat outings


This mowning, my deew Fwiends, the Zoolatwy Giwls sent me this lovely message and badge

Today ~ we celebrate YOU ~
 without you, we would not have had Five Years of Blogging,
and we share with you A FRIENDSHIP BADGE.
Thank you so much!
Maggy, Zoey and Ann

 Thank you Maggie, Zooey and Ann

you awe always thewe to help all ouw bloggie fwiends wif youw talent and love and cawing heawts
You bwighten ouw days and help us thwoo the too many losses we expewience in this bootiful community

you make me believe in the goodness of hoomans and put smiles on ouw faces
I hope we'll have many mowe yeaws togethew!

wishing all of you a most bootiful weekend

smoochie kisses


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Auntie Kawen's visit and Sickies

This was supposed to be a Most wondewful week,auntie Kawen came to visit us,
 but often things don't wowk like
 you planned

in the middle of hew visit, we found out that i have pwoblems wif my immoone system and my livew

natoowally, Mommi fweeked, we went back to the dogtow and he said to stop panicking, it can all get bettew, i just need medicins and foods to add to mine to fix me up

 we did have some wondewful times in between Mommi's meltdowns hewe is a smileybox of some of ouw days togethew this last week 
(auntie Kawen took lots mowe pictoowes, but I think you aweady saw all those places wif my othew visitows)
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I stawted taking my medicins and I went along on most of the adventoowes, and even played at home

you can't keep a tewwiew down fow long, hehehehe

thank you to all of you who heawd about this and sent me all youw kind wowds of healing and love..I'm detewmined to be just fine by my next blood test
fow now, I'm westing cause it's howwid hot hewe this week

smoochie kisses


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sad Fawewell to Momo

My sweet sissie Momo had to leave  despite all ouw pwayews and howls and puwws  
 I hate the unfaiweness of life

Hew SS was just hewe visiting me and my pawents and got home to this sadness
Momo bwavely hung on till SS wetuwned fwom hew jouwneys

the dogtows couldn't help Momo anymowe, so SS held hew tendewly and sat in the sun wif hew, and then helped hew cwoss the bwidge today
 My heawt is vewy sad and ouw teaws awe flowing, but She will aways be my sissie, and aways stay in my heawt and someday we will have adventoowes togethew again when we meet  ovew 
 the bwidge

west now sweet Sissie

(thank you to the Zoolatry girls for this beautiful image)

 I hope the sun wawms you  fuwwevew
smoochie sad sad kisses


Monday, June 11, 2012

enfowced Bloggie bweak again, sheeeesh

you all wemembew my baby bwuddew Duffy who lives in NewYawk , WIGHT?
 well, his Momma, auntie Kawen came fow a week's visit to ouw house hewe in Boo da Pest (Duffy stayed home, cause he hates noise and the aiwoplane would have dwiven him cwazy) 

 Mommi leaned out the window to watch Daddi and I as we walked up and down ouw stweet
waiting  fow auntie Kawen to awwive wif the shuttle fwom the aiwepawt, 

 and waited, and waited
(we'we not vewy patient, but we wanted to make suwe that she didn't have to come into the scaiwy lobby all by hewself)

 then all of a sudden , she awwived and we kissed and smooched and hugged
 of couwse she had to skype Duffy and Auntie Kawen's Sissie "Wo" who is staying wif him

I waited patiently

it was wowf it, cause Duffy sent me fantabooloos tweats
 (you can't get the yummie , healthy cookies hewe)

 then we went fow a little walkie awound ouw neighbowhood

 and some foods (yummmmm, livew, my favowite)

and mowe walkies of couwse,
 (hewe I am wif Daddi and auntie Kawen)
and mowe eating, hehehehe

you get the pictoowe

 This last pictoowe is my pwoof fow why I'm neglecting all of you and pwobably not posting ow visiting till auntie Kawen leaves
(these Mommies shoowe know how to talk a LOT)

so pleez stay safe till I wetuwn fwom my enfowced bloggie bweak

pleez know, I love you and you'we all in my Thoughts

and if you can, pleez go visit my deewest fwiends Agatha and Awchie today..it's theiw BIWFDAY!

smoochie kisses


Monday, June 4, 2012

Pittie Post Day

This is a most impawtant post fow Blogville it's to tell the wowld that we awe all doggies, and against Bweedism and all the pwejoodice that makes stoopid hoomans have widicooloos legislashuns agains doggies who even look like Pitties


 I have been lucky enuff to be smawtened up by being a doggie bloggew and meet all the diffewent wondewful bweeds of doggies that thewe awe and leawn that it's not bad doggies, but bad hoomans who cause all the twoubles that Pitties
 awe blamed fow

I know all of you wemembew the howwid towtoowe that sweet Shelby (who was wescooed by the Houston PittiePack, and assisted by so many bloggie fwiends in healing )endoowed at the hands of hoomans..yet she fowgave and was loving and twusting
ovew and ovew we have seen those big Pittie smiles and kisses, yet thewe is still pwejoodice

Today, I'd like to send my love and bestest wishes to Cowbin, a sweet Pittie fwiend who dweams of a day when we stop judging by appeawances..
i pway fow that too

Pleez go wish my vewy good fwiend Cowbin a vewy happy Biwfday and join all of Blogville in celebwating ouw devewsity and the wondewfulness of Pitties!

 smoochie kisses

  This is a blog hop!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mowe pictoowes of SS and Chawly's wondewful visit

as pwomised, I'm going to show you some mowe pictoowes of the wondewful visit that we had fwom Chawly and SS they took all the pictoowes and have gwashoosly let me use them

Mommi was sooo happy to have them awwive, she was all smiles

I'm vewy bwave and like getting in the wickety old elevatow in ouw building

 of couwse, going to eat wif the hoomans is my favowite

I also love that I'm allowed to go on all the public twanspawtation..Daddi cawwies me on the moving steps cause that's too scaiwy, but once we'we at the bottom, I can just walk on the metwo myself

some places I get left out of (booooooo) like going to the bafs to swim and "take the watews"  Budapest is full of natoowal hot spwings and so thewe awe lots and lots of bafing places thwoughout the city

this one is called "Szécsényi" and is in one of the pawks in Pest

auntie Edna(SS, Momo's Mom) is welaxing in the wawm watew pool

and Chawly put on hew bafing cap which is wequiwed in the pool fow swimming

Even Daddi went in to float awound in the wawm watews

if you have the time and awe intewested, thewe awe lots mowe pictoowes on the smileybox

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 some things in life awe unfaiw, like "no chocolates fow doggies"

 and things that hoomans do and not take yoo along in the evening

 like Tango dancing which Chawly loves to do

 ow concewts
(Mommi stayed home wif me while Daddi and SS and Chawly went)

 all too soon, the days of the visit came to an end and it was time to say
fawewell and PLEEEZ come again soon

hope all of you awe well and know I'm sending each and evewy one of you my smoochie kisses