Deew Fwiends
I have a vewy speshull favow to ask of you
None of ouw hoomans like to ask fow help, but sometimes we have to take things into ouw own paws and do it fow them.
Ouw deew fwiend Miss Sunshade
just had to have lifesaving emewgency suwgewy a little while ago and it cost jillions of gween papews.
( you can weed about hew owdeal if you haven't heawd of it yet on hew bloggie)
It's way too many gween papews fow hew Mom ,Miss Elaine, to get togethew by hewself, so I'm asking you, my, and Sunshade's fwiends, to help if at all pawsibull
Sunshade is home now wecoopewating and wif the medicins and POTP, she will wecovew and be wif us fow lots mowe yeaws
pleez watch this video put togethew by hew deew fwiends to see hew and it will explain how you can help
in the meantime, I'm sending Sunshade one of my all powewful healing smoochies so that she can get well soonest and be back enjoying hew favowitest things
(this is a we-cweation of how I would kiss my Sunshade if I could be thewe wif hew)
Thank you fow weading and looking and helping!
smoochie kisses