a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ambassadows fwom My Kitteh Gang

I woke up eawly (well eawly fow me, hehehe)I was out the doow by nine 
wif Mommi and Daddi to go have bweakfast wif unkel Miki

fiwst, I had to check on my Ewbie gawden  by the kitchen, to make suwe they wewen't thiwsty ow anything
and to check that evewything was OK in the couwtyawd below

then we wan acwoss the squawe to meet my unkel at a pastwy place fow
coffee and Bwee Ouch

Daddi was listening to al of unkel Miki's stowies 
(Daddi looks a little skep tickle don't you think?)

I just wanted to make shoowe I got my pawtion of the fwesh Bwee Ouch

unkel Miki likes to tease me, but he did give me some finally

then I had to wun home fow a most impawtant event

(Karl and Momo's sewvants)

(Ackshooly, this pictoowe is just wishful thinking..Kawl and Momo  couldn't weely come fwom Awizona and Ostwalia, but they sent theiw ambassadows
(auntie's Chawly and SS)

Momo sent hewself on a painting that was on SS's bag, so I sniffed hew all ovew when she awwived

we all talked and laughed and had a toast to ouw fwiendship and finally being togethew

we did the oosual fiwst day toow awound ouw neighbowhood (SS took these pictoowes and kindly is letting me use them)

Momo and I sat quietly while the hoomans gabbed in a westauwant and had dinnew

in a few days, I will show you some of the pictoowes that SS took doowing the days that they spent wif us
fow now, I leave you wif my favowitest pictoowe

me giving Chawly a smoochie kiss

Chawly and SS wewe wondewful to come and stay wif us
we loved having them hewe and hope they come again

Chawly is now in Cologne and SS in
Pwague befowe wetuwning home

I feel so lucky to have such loving , funny, intewesting, gweat fwiends to take away some of Mommi's homesickness

smoochie kisses

Friday, May 25, 2012

Fwankie Day

I have to intewwupt my visit wif fwiends hewe in boo da Pest fow a most impawtant Day 

A day to Celebwate, and show ouw appweciation fow the most loving, genewoos, funny and AMAZING Fwankie Fuwtew, the Mayow of Blogville 

a twoo fwiend to all of us
aways weady wif a smile and a giggle and lending a paw to anyone in need

I am honowed to be in yoow cabinet, but mowe impawtantly to call you my


 smoochie kisses

  this is a blog hop

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Busy Season

It's summew time and the sea  son of many fwiends passing thwoo Boo da Pest and some wondewful visits fwom  fwiends staying wif us
 I"m way behind in showing yoo pictoowes

I will twy to catch up a little bit now and in the coming weeks

My auntie came fow tea at ouw house(she's shy and didn't want hew pictoowe taken, so it's just me and Mommi showing you ouw snacks )

Mommi is telling me that she knows i'm thewe, I don't need to gwab hew awm wif my paw to let hew know that I too want a little tweat

thewe wewe sweet things, and salty things, and i love them bof

now you might think I'm quite lawge hewe fwom all that foods, but wait till you see how much weight you can lose just by getting a haiwcut, heheheh
(Mommi wishes she could do that)


 in between, we had visitows stay wif us, but I'll show you that some othew time
fow now hewe awe pictoowes fwom monday

we went to visit a fwiend who lives in Wien(that's vienna to fwiends in A Mewwy Caw), but sometimes comes to hew house hewe in Boo da Pest 

I made a smileybox of my visit to hew 
We took the bus acwoss the Duna and then I gots to play in hew big gawden 
 She's not hewe often and that's why the gwass is not all bootiful, but i cewtainly had the most mawvelos time wunning and playing 

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I can tell you, I was pwetty tiwed by the end of the day (but yoo know, in the bestest way pawsibull)

 I snept like a baby

this is only an illustwation fwom my aw chives
( i did not ack shooly tuwn back into my baby-self)

until next time
pleez stay safe sweet fwiends

smoochie kisses

Friday, May 18, 2012


Pweeze excoose the long times between posts, but Mommi and Daddi awe wunning awound wif mowe offishul stuff all the time, pluse Daddi is doing the tax stuff, and is hogging the pootew all the time Anyway we awe having a few nice fwiends who come visit us occasionally and the vewy nice fwiend who was hewe awound Eastew time, has just sent us some pictoowes fwom that visit, so I thought I would show you

We went to a westauwant togethew(she tweated us)

Mommi told me since wew wewe inside, I had to be espeshully well behaved Sheeesh, awen't I aways? 
I said, of couwse I'll be tewwibully good Mommi 

 aftew, we went fow walkies to show ouw fwiend a little of the awea awoung the pawk and westauwant

 Ouw fwiend wanted to go to the bafs, and we went home and said see you latew

 She was a most wondewful houseguest and we hope she comes again
Wight now, I have to go cause we'we expecting a new batch of visitows fwom NEwYAwk any minoote

hope all of you have a most faboolous weekend
smoochie kisses

Friday, May 11, 2012

Doggie Day at the Pawk

A few weeks ago, my pawents took me to one of the pawks in Boo da Pest to a tewwiew Meet that we heawd about on FB
It tuwns out, thewe wewe vewy few wiwy kids, mostly smoof ones (bootiful) and some welshies and some kids wif mixed up pawents , but  the nicest thing of all was that lots and lots of these doggies wewe wescoos and you should see the love they'we getting now!
Some of the hoomans awe involved in fostewing too and one and all wewe dedicated to loving and helping doggies .
Even though it was hot,(Not Mommi's favowite kind of weathew), we wewe glad we went..plus, I got to sniff, and walk and talk to all sowts of lovely well behaved (but full of spunk) hungawian doggies..we had no twouble undewstanding each othew 
hewe awe some photos fwom that day

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aftew walking and playing, Mommi , Daddi and I wewe tiwed, so we got on the metwo and came back to ouw neighbowhood and plopped down at a little baw acwoss the stweet fow a cool dwink and snack befowe going upstaiws fow a nap

 they just have samiches , hot and cold..ouw favowite is  toasted bwead wif cheese

 ummmm, did you fowget that I am hewe?
let me come closew to wemind you

 btw, you might notice some flowews on the table..they awe lily of the Valley
it's what I got fow Mommi (Mommi's Day is the fiwst week of Apwil hewe)
I got some fow hew thwee times cause they'we sold all ovew the stweets by little old ladies

hewe's some fow all of youw Mom's

Sowwy, it's taken me so long to post this.. love and smoochie kisses

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sinko de Mayo

Happy Sinko de Mayo
to all of you deew fwiends..it's not something that's celebwated hewe, but I'm detewmined to keep up wif all my oosual celebwations even though I'm at the othew end of the wowld now I am especially in a celebwation mood, cause guess what??????

 the POTP has wowked once again ! Thank you fow all yoow good wishes and pwayews fow Momo

 My sweet sissie MOMO has just witten me and hewe is what she said: "WOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!! A miracle!!!!!! Proves the power of global purrs. MoMo's biopsy result came back - the lesion is inflammatory and not cancerous!!!!!!!! We are doing happy dances. She needs to go back for injections every 2-4 weeks but that is minor. Cinco de Mayo, here we come!!!! The gang is on the party run again!!!" 

hew is a pictoowe of Momo and Gwacie sissies dancing wif me to celebwate

now it's time to eat and dwink and be mewwy! hope all of you have a most wondewful day smoochie kisses

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Twying to suwvive the Heat

hello deew fwiends..in my last postie, you asked me if I was having fwiends fow dinnew...well hewe is the pwoof that I was

some vewy nice fwiends came to join us..Mommi made lasagna , and some salad..not a big dinnew, but a gweat chance to be wif hoomans who we love

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aftew that day, we spent the next one westing and cleening up

and just going fow showtew walks

hewe is anothew smileybox, showing you one of my walks..not vewy excitewing, but we wilt in the heat

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it's been widicoolousoy hot hewe the last week..vewy unoosual fow May, but then I think the whole wowlds tempewatoowe has gone nuts

hope all of you awe well
i'm cwossing my paws fow so many fwiends these days that it's hawd to walk, but sadly thewe awe too many fuwwkids who need ouw pwayews these days, so I'm sending them all my stwongest Tewwiew healing smoochies and love

Asta(new bloggie ate my signitoowe, I don't know how to get it back, gwwww)