a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, November 26, 2010


My pawents went down to  ouw good fwiend' apawtment fow a gawgantooan, sumptoo- us meal wif good fwiends...Mommi of couwse fowgot to plug in hew battewy fow hew camewa, so all these pictoowes awe stolen fwom auntie Kawen and unkel James(thank you!)

the tuwkey was done to pawfection, thewe was the most delicious stuffing that was passed down fwom Kawen S's family, woasted vegebals fwom the gween mawket, the stuff that my pawents bwought that you saw in the last post, smooched potatoes and gwavy ..ouw favowitest champagne, and nevew ending flow of dwy wed wine, gweat convewsation and lots of laughs

the table setting was bootimous, the table cloth full of pomegwanites and sheaves of wheat
 Evewyone took a modest pawtion(BOL)

 by the time they got to dessewt (punkin Pie, souwcweam-Apple Pie and Daddi's home made Peacan Pie) they wewe too tiwed to take pictoowes
luckily, I managed to take a photo of the most scwumptious pie Daddi made..we 've nevew had one this good..twooly the best wecipe we've evew found

and of couwse they all got silly and had a most wondewful time

meantime, Duffy and I took my Vespa and wan ovew to Scwuffy , Lacie and baby Stan's house fow a game of pokew..let's just say, I should not have let Duffy bet, hehehe
We snuck back in the eawlie houws of the mowning..I don't think Mmommi and Daddi noticed cause they wewe in a food coma, heheheheheehe

This is what we plan to do today..no shopping fow us..we think it's a stoopid twadition..
(even when we had $ to shop we nevew did this)
 no one needs anything badly enuff to spend the night in line shivewing and getting twampled instead of spending quality time wif youw loved ones

Hope all of you awe safe and happy wif full tummies and awe wemembewing fwiends who need ouw pawsitive enewgy and good wishes

It's Bailey's gotcha day and she has not been well..pleez visit hew and give hew good wishes!

Pleez also go give youw love to Shelby and hew family..she is making a bwave wecovewy fwom Heawtwowm

Butchy,Katie, Hootie, Sylvestew ,Wuby and Mama Lamb awe still hoping that Scuby is safe and will wetuwn..PLEEZ COME home sdeew Scuby you awe so missed

 Miss Sunshade is wecovewing fwiom hew hooge suwgewy and could use youw love and good wishes

smoochie gwateful kisses fow all of youw fwiendship


Dexter said...

Miss Asta! That was quite the feast. Yes, today is a good day to just rest and stay safe at home away from the crazy shoppers.


WFT Nobby said...

Quality time with loved ones is the most precious thing, I so agree, dearAsta.
Toodle pip!
Bertie (who is currently enjoying some quality lap time, forcing to balance the laptop precariously on the arm of the chair....)

WFT Nobby said...

We meant 'forcing Gail to balance the laptop' etc.

K9 Katastrophie said...

I am glad you had a good Thanksgiving!


The WriggleButts said...

Great pix Asta (anything with you or foodables is a hit, really)! And that pai made Mom drool. We think you're making a good choice to ignore that strange shopping trends. We thinks the material shopping trends are bad enough the rest of the year. Love and cuddly dogs are what matters.


Duke said...

Mom and dad's modest portion sizes looked just like yours! hehehe
We sure did have a fun time at the poker pawty with so much good stuff to eat!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

Darling girl everything looks yummy PL2 STUFFED her face at work( everyone brought ALOT of foodables) and PL1 STUFFED his face as well.... Your Mommy's food as always looks SCRUMPTIOUS Love and kisses A+A

Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Looks like all the peeps had a big eat fest so I'm glad you and your friends got to have your own party...doggie bloggie style! I'm sure everyone is pooped now! And I'm with you...no presents are worth braving Black Friday.
Grr and Woof,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Furry yummy stuffs


Of khourse, I love one pikh furry furry much!


Deborah said...

What a nice day you all had! We agree with you...Black Friday is a stupid tradition!!

Bocci said...

The food looks fab...and the turkey looks amazing!
Glad you all had a good time-how did ya do in poker, Asta?

Martha said...

What a wonderful meal that looked Asta, we like the idea of a food coma!
Thanks for thinking of Bailey - we haven't even had a chance to post about her being ill - it was so quick!
Hopefully she will start eating tomorrow and start getting her energy back!
You know we have never had pumpkin pie and it looks delicious.
Much love
Martha and Bailey xx

Gus said...

Ahem! While the food looks delicious, and we know a good time was had by all...my favoritest pictoor is Asta on Vanilla sheets.

THAT is my idea of a great dessert.

muchos kisses and stuffs


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You look so comfy there, Asta - bet you had a great nap. We kept the humans home today too - no sense in rushing all around with all those peeps in the stores. Besides it was a great day for a long walk for us.

That pie looks so scrumptious - bet there wasn't a crumb left.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Wyatt said...

So many yummables! :)
George the Lad, let the cat out of the bag....It's your Mom's Birthday! Happy Birthday, Asta's Mom! :)


Diana Chiew said...

Christmas sleeps like that too! For a moment, we thought that was Christmas...hehehe....

Noah the Airedale said...

Peacan Pie....YUM. It looks divine!
The entire meal looks divine. What a feast. Too bad we dont celebrate Thanksgiving. We'll have to wait until Christmas time.
We have never heard of the tradition of shopping the following day. Cripes, we dont think we could move for days after a big meal like that. Agree, silly tradition!

Happy birthday Auntie Ami.
Love from Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Noah the Airedale said...

Peacan Pie....YUM. It looks divine!
The entire meal looks divine. What a feast. Too bad we dont celebrate Thanksgiving. We'll have to wait until Christmas time.
We have never heard of the tradition of shopping the following day. Cripes, we dont think we could move for days after a big meal like that. Agree, silly tradition!

Happy birthday Auntie Ami.
Love from Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Oskar said...

What a wonderful looking holiday you had. What a blessing to have such a wonderful day.

We agree with you on the shopping thing. My people spent the day with me today, in their jammies. More family time!

Nubbin wiggles,

Lorenza said...

Glad they had a pawesome time together and all the food looks delicious!
And you went to the poker party! Wow!
That crazy shopping thing!
We don't have it here but we have seen it how it goes there!
Kisses and hugs

the many Bs said...

Hi Asta, your daddi's pecan pie looks so wonderful. our human is drooling - hee hee! we didn't get pie, but we had a nice day at home.

the human doesn't believe in shopping either. we have lots of toys and plenty of tennis balls.

we are pawing for all of our friends. we are always positive and happy and hopeful, but the human is sad. oh well, what can we do?


Duke said...

Happy birthday to your wonderful mommi, Asta!
We hope the three of you have a great day together!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Juno said...

Sissy Asta!!! So sorry for not being able to say woof lately. Our pawrents are travelling again.

We love seeing all the photos of you (of course), happy humans and food as always!! Thanks so much for sharing them with us. Please tell your mommi Happy Barkday!!

Momo & Pinot

Mack said...

Happi birfday Mommi! That meal looks divine! My mom is the same way about shopping the day after - she refuses to even go to the grocery store!


The Thuglets said...

Oh Wow..what a scrumpcious spread!

Happy Birthday to you Mommi Asta. we hope she has a lovely day.

Big Nose Pokes
The THugleysx

Sally said...

What a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday to you Mommi Asta.
Happy Weekend.

Nice woooh

The Black and Tans. said...

A truly scrummy meal, how fantastic.

Please say Happy Birthday to your Mummy and give her some big sloppy Airedale and WElshie kisses from us.

Molly, Taffy and MOnty

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Whoosh...we stopped by here before, but were too full to type a comment...(Lacie burps loudly, but quickly covers her um hooge mouth and giggles...)

OH THE FOODABLES HERE...we saved a hooge bag of your nom noms for Mango...what a feast you had...and BTW, I'm textin' this from my broom...we've dropped you mom's Birthday Cake five times off the broom...well, I say WE, but it's the stoopid BOYZ...YOU CAN'T GET GOOD HELP THESE DAYS...

I think it'll still taste OK...

Love, Lacie

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Glad you got to get away while the folks did their thing for Thanksgiving! Looks everyone had a fun time.

TwoSpecialWires said...

Sweet Sissie Asta. We've dropped by a coupla times, but not until just now did we have a chance to put our paws to the keyboard. NinaGirl is on her way back to school and life is sorta resuming what was normal. Whatever that is. Normal.

We can tell you all had a good weekend ... that's as it should be. Family. Friends. Fun. Full tummies. Fantabulous celebrations. We hope this next week is a really nice relaxing one for you, full of memories of a great week of good stuff.

We love you. And we sure thought about you a lot on Thanksgiving and on Auntie Ami's birthday.

BruvverJake and SissieFergi

The Luke said...

O the Asta, you sure know how to have fun!!!

wif love from the Luke