a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekend - a wash..xept fow an Impawtant Biwfday

Satuwday got totally sogged out..stawted wif spwinkles and tuwned into towwential wain

Mommi twied out taking pictoowes wif hew phone while going to the mawket in the mowning

Apples, apples,,apples..yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! and Fuji apple juice, the BEST!

evewything looks bootiful against the wet black of the stweets

I'm glad the mawket hoomans don't get scawed off by the wain. They aways have cookies fow me
and lovely veggies to take home

I love the squishy wet leaves..they make fow good pwactice fow ice skating season hehehehe

I went home and spent the day sneeping ..it was pwetty boowing.
Mommi and daddi went to the movies and stoopid theatwes won't let me in.

Nevew mind, all was not lost, in between naps and chewing on my cown,
Lacie and I texted each othew all day and had some gweat laughs, and along the way, I got some impawtant infowmation.....you'll nevew guess who's Biwfday we missed...

MANGO MOM's!!!!!

I stole this cawd that Lacie, Scwuffy and baby Stan made fow hew..

She's pwetty amazing..she even knows how to do ciwcus acts as you can see

Happy Biwfday Mango Mom (Pleez all go wish hew a Gweat One and many mowe!)
We love you, and think you'we a vewy cool lady(and, bootiful too)
I hope Baxtew and Mango made you a fabbews cake and played wif you to make this a vewy special day!

smoochie kisses


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Happy Birthday Mango Major and Dexter's Mommy.
New York looks so lovely in Autumn, so do you Asta.
Love ya.

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Asta I love your rain coat picture.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Don't worry, Asta, there's not much good playing right now at the movies anyway!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...that header pic of you is totally adorable...sometimes I get sooooooo jelly of your booty...um I mean your beauty....sheeshch, Astaese can get a girl in trouble!!!

Speakin' of trouble...um..we're all grounded for NOT wipin our paws before we go on the family room carpet. Mumsie used that STOOPID CARPET STEAMER for the first time tonight and she actually fainted when she dumped the um well REALLY MUDDY AND FILTHY water down the laundry tubbie...

I wish she had bought a hot milk steamer instead...think of the lattes I could be whippin' up and the hot carob drinks after sledding in the winter...sheeshch....this is just going to make her scrub the pads off our paws even worse than she does already...

Did Peewee and Mango make a nice cake for their momma?? Did ya see that Khyra said I was going to have to um fight her for the icing????

Hmmmmmm...khrumbs for Khyra...I get the icing...

Kisses, Girlie...


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Asta...I think Lacie "borrowed" some of that yummers Figi apple juice to make a new signature fall smoothie with...

It's pretty powerful stuff...

Nuff said...

Scruffman and Stanners

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...




I'm sure Mango slobbered a furry lovely birfday wish fur his momma!

As fur me getting the khrumbs, I don't think so!

I mean, my glorious FT khan have all the khake I want - unlike some LacieBeastie and her bum!


ScrapsofMe said...

I hope you got lots of apple snackies from the fresh apples. SHE brought us all kinds of apples back from NC. They went to the orchard and picked 6 bushels to make apple butter. We LOVE apples. Yummm. Did you get to take a pumpkin home from the market for Halloween? Love yer jacket, you look so stylish!

tula monstah said...

hi sweet asta,

..sneeping in bed, munching on apples, texting your BFFs -- the best way on rainy days!

hope you sent Mango momma extra smoochie kisses! she's getting slobbery ones from moi:)


Lacy said...

w00fs, me didnt nos it wuz her birfday...sumetimes me and mama iz soo slow...me seed dat Momo wuz sick, me hopes iz feelin better..me will go visit again..

b safe,

pps u looks cute in the new header..

Hamish Westie said...

Sogged out - what a great expression. We have been SO TOTALLY SOGGED OUT here in Aberdeen this last week....
Cheers! H.

Maxmom said...

Hey there Asta
Don't worry, I'm sure you looked lovely in water! Rain and puddles are such fun! Us Golden retrievers love them! It's the lightning that frightens us. By the looks of things, you didn't have that, so it's ok!
Thanks for the'birdie speak' about Mango's momma - we went there to wish her too.
Love ya lots

Dexter said...

Thanks for thinking of my DOH. I am frankly surprised SHE remembered it was her birthday what with her being so old. Sheesh!

We had big rain here too. Good day to sleep while momma and master watched their dumb DVDs.


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Sorry it rained, we are FINALLY having sunshine. ~S,S,C & F

Gus said...

Sending regards to Mango Mom for a great Barkday.


Fred said...

I had to go to the dogtor on Saturday, so we missed our weekly trip to the Farmers' Market. Eat an apple for me!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Asta, what lovely pictures of NY and of YOU!! I miss you darlin'!

Love, Auntie Deb

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Looks like you made the best of a boring situation.

Happy Birthday Mango Mom!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Martha said...

We love apples here too! We have our very own tree so we get to gorge ourselves all summer long. Love, Martha

Hollie and Janie said...

The market looks like a fun place...and they give you treats.. that's great! I tried texting once, but my chompers went throught mom's cell and I got in trouble! Happy Birthday to Mango's mommy!!

Daisy said...

The good thing about rain is the chance to wear your pretty raincoat!

Stanley said...

Sweet Astaroni Lovepup O Mine (and me amante)!

You make even rainy days seem special! I have missed you like crazy and, sadly, my hooman girl has monopolized the computer to the degree that my only course of action for communicating with you was to escape and make my way to your door. After repeated attempts I finally managed to get as far as Indianapolis, but was apprehended and returned to GooberStan. (*BIG sigh*)

Now, my girl (who will find a suitable way to ask for your forgiveness for inadvertantly keeping us apart) is making sure I have plenty of puter time to communicate with the pup of my heart... if you will still be mine after being incommunicado for the past 3 months. Will you? Be mine? PLEEEEEASE??!!

I understand you have offers from other pups (who have great taste, by the way), but I still hope that your heart beats for me as mine beats for you.

No matter what your decision, I have a lot of time to make up for and a lot of catching up to do with your life. Please be patient with me!

By the way, Stella sends tiny goobery kisses your way and says she can give you all of the background scoop on my escape attempts and how distraught I was about my communication blackout.

All my goober love & smooches,
Your Stanley

Life With Dogs said...

Do you think Mango will ice the cake with slobbers? ;)

Unknown said...

We must have just missed you at the Farmer's Market on Saturday. It wasn't raining yet and we got through all our shopping before it started sprinkling. But Sunday was GORGEOUS! I tried out my Halloween costume and went trick-or-treating with my pal Liola (although I get cookies at those same stores every day and without having to wear a costume!). The kids Halloween party sure was fun - lots of goodies to scarf off the ground. And a haywagon pulled by two big horses! Very exciting indeed.

Your pal,


Peanut said...

We wish we had a lovely market to visit. Sorry about the rains. We have them here also.

doyle and mollie said...

you had such a perfect day even though it was rainy - nice one!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We have had a lot of that heavy rain here too and Thunder just LOVES it. We will have to go wish Mango's Mom a Happy Birthday.

If you can, please stop by our blog and see TD in costume and then go tell Hansel if you like it.

Woos, the OP Pack

Inky and Molly said...

The market looks like fun, rain or not.
Yeah, what's with "pinkies only"places where apparently we're not invited? It's not like we've got signs on or venues, "Pinkies, keep out". Very specie-ist....

Mack said...

Yes, I think it is so wrong movie theaters won't allow us inside. Seems like discrimination to me.

That farmer's market looks like a lot of fun!

Eric said...

Oh Asta my heart did a big flip when it saw you header photo...now you ARE worth going out in the rain for!!

Wiry loves n kisses Eric xx

TwoSpecialWires said...

Asta. We were going to leave our usual wordy comment about your BEAUTIFUL header photo, and about how much we love rainy days, and about how we could smell the wet leaves and crisp apples, and all that stuff ... then WE SAW GOOBER'S COMMENT TO YOU and in our happiness and excitement forgot everything else we wanted to say!

So ... we've gotta talk! We're sure you are in a tailspin. With a heart going pitter patter. Or flip flop. Oh my goodness. We can only imagine how you must feel. We're hoping for nice weather so you can go run some of your energy off at the run!

We love you, Asta,
SissieFergi and BruvverJake ooxx

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
The photo on your header is so pretty!! We love it!!
It's good that you got to go out to the market with your mom...our market here discriminates against doggies.. :(

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta...is that a chewed corn shank on the bed?


Babystan passes out cold on the floor...he's very delicate.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Babystan awakenes and reads Gooberstan's comment and passes out again. He's very delicate.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

My sweet Myrna wife...

I will be arriving in New York by Dale express (if he can stay on his feet) by midnight. This house is just too weird even for a short visit with Scruffy, Stanny and that Lacie. I only hope our dear Bert has not absorbed any of this oddness...ticks on heads...matches and ticks, tons of candles??, flat dogs in corners and finally tonight's episode...Mumsie came up to my room where I sleep when visiting...she had those pink pepto bismal tutus in her clawlike hands, ready to put them in the already stuffed dog torture drawer....then she saw me...and an IDEA formed....I didn't wait for the inevitable...I grabbed Bertie and wheeled to the unconscious Dale and climbed aboard...I refoose to plie, rel a vay, jete or any other stoopid ballet move ever...

I am most looking forward to being reunited with you, my Darling....

Yours in wheel oil,


Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday to Mango's Mom!
Kisses and hugs

Koobuss said...

Hi kousin Asta!

You sure had lots of wain on Saturday. Me, too. Sometimes wainy days are nice. Looks like you enjoyed yours. Going to the market in the wain is lots of fun... sometimes.

Hope Mango's mom had a nice birfday!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

How come your rainy days look so nice? I'd say rainy days at your place are pretty days...hehe! Rain in Malaysia is horrible...loved the photos of the apple stall! Did your Mom get you one?

Happy Birthday to Mango & Dexter's Mom! Hope she had a great birthday...*grins*


Duke said...

We absolutely LOVE your new blog header picture, Asta! You're so beautiful! And your park is so festive with all of the pumpkins and Mitch is wishing he can reach through the computer and grab three apples!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sally said...

Hi Asta,
I love your pictures, but I do not like pumpkins and apples.

Nice woooh

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Even in the rain NY looks like such a beautiful place to live. I really liked the photos with the pumpkins in it. Even the leaves laying on the ground in the rain were so pretty.
Just get out the raincoat and head outside there something will always be there to do and see.

The Cat Realm said...

Your pictures made our maid so nostalgic... It's like a window into a different world - we haven't had rain in about 100 years now...
She says she wishes they would finally invent the teleportation for humans, hahahahahahahaha, but you know what - even if they did she wouldn't be able to afford it, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
It seems you are the only one who is still faithfully blogging - the rest of the gang....including us.... things will have to change! We miss all of our cyber friends!
And you deserve the reward for best header pictures always!
The Cat Realm gang

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hello Asta!

I got kinda distracted by those beautiful apples at the market, I lurve, lurve, lurve apples!

We have lovely autumn colours too, but sadly it is raining today.

Lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxxxx

The Black and Tans. said...

Hi Asta

Gosh we cannot believe we have been missing so much in blogland recently.

Firstly we adore your blog header photo and background. You have such exquisite taste and are a delight to look at.

We will be sure to pop over to Mango's Mum and wish her belated birthday wishes.

New York is so colourful in the Autumn. Our hooman is busy telling us of her visit to the Rockefella Centre one Autumn and the rusty coloured Chrysanthemums, bales of straw and garlands of rusty coloured flowers there. It all sounds lovely.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Amy & the house of cats said...

Asta you are such a sweetie - I can't believe the theaters won't let you in. I guess it makes for another reason to not go to the movies for me - as a protest! Not that I go very often anyway, but still it is the thought that counts!

Unknown said...

A trip to the market is always fun better than the movies. Ic can see why your sleepy. The rain pitter patter makes me sleepy too.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Those rain pictures are so cool! My mom loves those kind of markets! Lots of yummy fruits and vegetables!