a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Feast of St Fwancis

This is the one time of yeaw that you will find us in chuwch. Mommi and Daddi awe not vewy weligious.. Daddi's a quackew and mommi is a vewy lapsed catholic , which makes me a Quacklic i think. But thewe is a sweet little chuwch hewe in Gweenich Village whewe we go fow the blessing of the Animals.
It's a vewy incloosive chuwch whewe all awe welcome and anywhewe that loves aminals we love

this nice lady pastow blessed me and said sweet things to me..I liked hew lots
Thewe wewe tons of fuwwkids thewe, and I have made you a smilebox so you can see them

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aftew the blessing ,umm, we got thiwsty, and some of the hoomans decided to have mimosas on the way home..Two of my fwiends fwom the wun, Lyle and Pumpkinjoined me in hanging out on the sidewalk while the hoomans gabbed and dwank.
About a billion passews by gave us lovies and told us we wewe wondewful

a pawfect Sunday aftewnoon
(plus we awe now guawanteed to be angels , hehehehehe)

I have to go get weady now and wait fow Butchy.
He's picking me up to go pawty at his house fow his Biwfday!
BE suwe to stop by and wish him well!!!!

Pee ess Mommi is bettew aftew eating my soup, but keeps caughing up stuffy guts, hehehehe


doyle and mollie said...

aw asta how nice of you to smile at the pastor

Gus said...

Oh - that was lovely. Muzzer got the sniffles when she saw how good all of you were. We had to leave without getting blessed (because you know who started a fight) so if you have any blessings left over, send them our way. Dog knows we need them.

Hmmm...coughing up stuffie guts....hmmmmm....maybe you should have cooked those separately?


(ps, muzzer made a clafootie tonight, and I got a piece! It was wonderful. Tell Mommi thanks for planting the idea in muzzer's head.)

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

Thanks for sharing...Me & my Mom loved it!!

My Mom got a little teary eyed & says she feels like she just went to church...

I don't know if I would be as good in church as all you guys were...I think I would talk too much...

Abby xxxooo

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...you looked so well behaved in church...I can only imagine how ugly it would have been if we three had been there...I mean...Stanny would howl, I would shriek and Scruffy woulda eaten one of those ferrets.....with ketchup....

Speakin' of condiments, we had a dozen turkey in our yardie today...yum....get that mayo out!!!!

Is ur mommi feelin' better? She should get the smoothie pills I sent in the mail tomorrow...

Barkies and kisses...


Beckett said...

Hi Asta,

I got to go to church today too. But our service was outside in our new St. Francis Garden. My mom is Episcopawlian and I don't have a dogdad so I guess I'm Episcopawlian too!

Thanks for your smilebox of lovely photos.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Sure you had a blessed day!
Thanks for sharing it!
Kisses and hugs

TwoSpecialWires said...

There was sooo much love pouring out and all over in that Smilebox! Every picture made us wag our tails and smile, realizing how precious all the animals, God's animals, are to us in our lives. The hugs and touches and eye gazes. The expressions and the body language. It was all wonderful. You are lucky girl, Asta. You are blessed to have your family. And you are blessed to be a part of such a special event in your neighbhorhood. Thank you for sharing it with us in the beautiful smilebox.

We love you,
BruvverJake and SissieFergi xxoo
(We sat in a church parking lot this aftenroon, while our people were at a violin and piano recital. Do you think any left over blessings might have made it through the cracks in the windows? )

Dexter said...

Those church people were most honored to see you in person. You are smiling at that lady!


Sally Ann and Andy said...

Mack and I went to church today also. It was fun, as we got to meet many doggies.
Sally Ann

Koobuss said...

Hi Kousin Asta,

That was lovely! How nice. But I don't think that you need to be blessed to be an angel. You already are! That only makes it official.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Juno said...

Asta!! To be very honest, our pawrents are not religous at all but we think the first pic is very sweet and blessing!!!

Momo & Pinot

Ziggy Stardust said...

What a nice day you had. You looked so cool hanging out on the street.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful photos. Asta!!
So many loved furrkids in the church and you were one of them.

The doggy at photo 9 and 31 must be family of my brother Buzzer... :-)

Hugs & headbutts

i said...

Asta, you're always an angel! Hope your mom gets well soon.

Unknown said...

Oh! We have Blessing of the Animals here in Auckland too!

Duke said...

We just love that first picture, Asta! You and your daddi have the same smile for the pastor!
We have no doubt that you're an angel! We've seen you in action!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

My Daddy likes St Francis too.
I think he's cool. I herd that he waz kind to wolfies wen uther peepol wer scared ov them. I don't kno if he ever met a Bear. I rekkon he wud hav liket Bears too.

Mack said...

We had a blessing of the animals at a neighboring church yesterday, but the pets weren't allowed inside and mom forgot all about it!

Looks like you had a great time by the smile on your face!!

I can tell the priest is an animal lover!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

The purfect Sunday in church. We were a little worried because we could only see photos of the wonderful dogs but was wondering where were the cats. Then we saw bunnies, birds, and the cats.
Beautiful Sunday service.

Hollie and Janie said...

What a sweet, sweet ceremony! Thank goodness you got a blessing b/c you certainly are a blessing to all of us!!

Jake of Florida said...

We could feel all the love in the chapel flowing through our computer screen.

Thank you for sharing!!

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Kelly said...

Asta, your Mommi captured some fabulous pictures of all of those sweet animals and their people! They made me a little teary!

I am so glad Mommi is feeling better. She always looks so fashionable and pretty... and so do you!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay cool we went to the feest of saynt fransis too i wil post abowt it after i rap up riting abowt my adventchers in spayse pee ess it is definitly a troo fakt that hyoomans cannot hold there stuffies like us dogs can!!! ha ha ok bye

Fred said...

A Quacklic?! You quack me up! BOL!
That is so cool that you got blessed! Old Girl never takes me to church with her. Boo.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a special day all of woo had!

Tank woo fur sharing!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That was so sweet, Asta. We loved the smilebox presentation. All those pups were so nice and we saw lots of smiles. You looked like you were having a good time too.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Eric said...

Asta that was a lovely postie.Me and Mom got sorta sniffy looking at all the great and smalls being blessed.Did you save some for Petey and Mica?

Wiry loves and kisses Eric xxxxx

Unknown said...

I've been to that service three times and it always makes Mommy weepy. Especially when we sing (yes, I sing along)"All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small..." Once when the minister said "Amen" after my blessing, I howled my Amen right back at him! It was fun to see our friends from the neighborhood. There was a feast of St. Francis service in Bluffton but we found out about it afterwards. Hopefully my previous blessings are still working!

Your pal,


Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Asta dear,
I yam glad you gots blessed.. I tink dat iz furry nice. Da momeee here haz not blessed us like dat. Sometimez I tink she tinks dats tuna iz a blessin.'
I waz worried when I readz dats your momee wazzn't feelin' good. I hope she haz heeled & iz now bax to herselfee.
We sure iz glad to see you havfun dat nice ice-scrreams at da top of your blog.
Yum I say!
Dr Tweety

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Asta...have ya been to Tosca's bloggie lately? She went to the groomers for her firstest groomin' with her homie...then her homie was gonna strip her at home...


Ya gotta read it...

She's a true Lakeland...


Duffy said...

The celebration was really special. I can't get over all the animals!!! Lots of terriers, too. Hehehehe.
Thanks for the smile box.

Unknown said...

Mom's not that religious either but many churches around here had a blessing mass too. You do have a glow about you today.

Noah the Airedale said...

I love this post Asta. If we had a blessing of the animals here I think D would actually go to church to. She's a used to be catholic to lol.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxxx

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
I like the sound of a Quacklic.. sounds like fun!! I think it's REALLY cool that animals can be blessed! It's really special.. I am glad you were blessed by the nice pastor.

The Black and Tans. said...

This is lovely Asta. We cannot believe how good you were! Have to say if we had there and seen those CATS the congregation would have been in disarray!

Molly, Taffy and MOnty

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Holy cow! I mean, er, dog...that is such a sweet little church. Looks like the pooch population in more blessed than any other animal group too. Hootie was excited when he saw the pic of the Welshie there. (What, no Aidedales?!) Noticed that one dog was even wearing pearls. BowWow! We saw you singing there in church too. Bet you have a lovely voice! Love you to pieces, BabyRD & Hootie

Princess Patches said...

Asta, your post gave our mom many smiles today!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Hamish Westie said...

Hi Asta
How nice that they had a service especially for pets. That St Francis bloke sound like a good sort. I never get taken to church because Gail doesn't believe in it, but don't you think a dog ought to be allowed to make up his own mind?
Cheers, H.

Aki and Poopie said...

Hey there Asta!

we love your photo with the lady pastor!! she does look like a really nice lady..

we've always wanted to take part in the blessing of animals during the feast of St. Francis.. too bad the bad typhoon had to interfere with most of the hooman's activities..

We'll sure try to circle our calendars for next year though!

drooly kisses,


Wired for Mackie said...

What a nice thing to be blessed like that Asta!


Inky and Molly said...

Bless you!!

Hope your momma is feeling betta, too.


Tucker said...

Hi Asta! thanks a bundle for stopping by my new blog. I sure enjoyed watching yor picture show about the blessings. My hoomans have never taken me to church. Maybe now that daddy teaches at a Catholic school he'll learn about it and take me next year if I'm still hanging around. Hope you had fun at Butchy's pawty!

Joe Stains said...

That has to be one of our most favorite smile boxes ever, not just because it had a Boston Terrier in it either. We just love seeing so many dogs, rabbits, ferrets, cats and even birds that are so loved.