a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Nuwse Asta wecommends fow all those who feel like hew Mommi and Daddi this season

wif added smoochie kisses


LuLu and LoLLy! said...

Hi Asta! Its LuLu and LoLLy stopping in to say hi! WOW! That soup looks AWESUM! We are very jealous! Our humans keep giving us the same old dog food everyday!Also, we hope that you are doing very great and we miss you! Your Maltese paLs, LuLu and LoLLy!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

OMD, Asta...that chicken soup tastes totally fabbers...Thank dog your mommi doesn't put ketchup in it and totally ruin it...I mean I know we live in da Burgh Home of Heinz and all, but ketchup in chicken soup? It's bad enuff to see it in their oatmeal...

Speaking of gross stuff, Mumsie was reading a cookbook last night...she found a new recipe for a HORSE DOUVER that you might find interesting...

Ya boil a prune...cut a slit in it and stuff an olive in it...then wrap a slice of fried bacon around it...

I suppose it's to keep your guests regular?

Aren't ya glad you don't live here...

Thank you for taking me in for a couple of days till Mumsie cools off...

What time is our spa appt????

Love and kisses...Lac.

Tosca the Lakeland Terrier said...

Mmm mm mm! I hope that soup makes your Mommi and Daddi feel better so they can take you for long walkies before winter hits.

Beckett said...

That soup looks tasty, but I still think I would opt for your Stuffie Soup!

Oh, wait, we're supposed to give this to our people?


TwoSpecialWires said...

Asta! Moma's chicken soup doesn't look NEARLY that good! We're sure it has all sorts of healing (and preventative) qualities. If you and Lac don't eat it all, please put some aside for us.

So. We assume Lac made it there in good time. Did you see her zooming outta that field our here when her balloon thingee landed? She looked like a dust storm heading southwest. (We're glad she got turned around and headed the right direction.) You know, if she hadn't packed so much luggage, that balloon probably never would've crashed.

Enjoy your day. Maybe your Mommi can paint a picture of the two of you....

SissieFergi (and Jake. He's sleeping. In a tight ball. To stay warm. It snowed.)

Dexter said...

Oh Nurse Asta, I think I feel unwell, please, I need your loving touch and homemade soup right away.


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We will take a helping please and with extra smoochie kisses. ~S,S,C & F

Daisy said...

That is sure to cure whatever ails ya!

doyle and mollie said...

if i had the sickies i would feel better just looking at your masterpiece dear asta!

Martha said...

Oh that soup looked yummy - we especially like the extra smoochie kisses to go with it!
love you lots
Martha & Bailey xxx

ScrapsofMe said...

Is that Lacie's squirrel soup recipe?


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

First off, Happy Birthday, Asta's beloved Daddy.
I'm singing the same song that I sang to him last year, Happy Birthday to your Daddy and I'll sing again next year many many more!
The B-day table is beautifully made, I wish I could sit under that for a second!
Your mom lost some wt, didn't she?
My mom always gains gains and gains.
I hope your pawrents come out of the weather soon
Asta, you dip your head too far down in the soup pot you'll get your fur wet. Let me tell the ingredients from the soup bowl: chicken, carrot, and brussel sprouts. YUM!!!
Love ya

Gus said...

Ymmmm...Me and Teka will take the carrots, they are one of our favorite snackies.


pee ess
thank you

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Oh my oh my, I didn't receive any of your email asking my addie, I would have returned the email in a sec. Or I might have deleted it by mistake, I did it a few times when the highlight was on one email then you hit the delete thinking of another one, oh stupid me, I'm soooo sorry!
I'll email you right away, oh who's the guilty one, me? my mom? Blame all of us, love you more!

Oskar said...

Oh Nurse Asta, I wish you could come cook for us! Did you make it yourself?

Lacy said...

w00fs, u take care of u mama and daddi, asta..hopes they feels better soon..

b safe,

Hamish Westie said...

Hi Asta
You can come and nurse me ANYTIME YOU LIKE!
Please! Even if I'm not ill.
That soup looks just magnificent.
Cheers, H.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

That soup looks yummy.. Did you help cook that too.. Hugs GJ xx

The WriggleButts said...

Yummy! Save a bowl for me!


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We're hoping that Mommi and Daddi don't have the flu - we've already had enough of that for this year.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Clive said...

Asta, that looks like wonderful chicken soup! We love chicken soup here!

take care

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Ahh....chicken soup, good for the soul!
We missed you Asta! Hope your Dada had a wonderful Birthday :D
Slobbers xx

Peanut said...

are there brussel sprouts in that?

Joe Stains said...

yummy good recommendation!!

Agatha and Archie said...

Miam miam miam......Love A+A

Charlie said...

What a fabulous nurse you must be! That is the best looking medicine ever!!
- Charlie

Koobuss said...

Oh kousin Asta! That chicken soup looks soo yummy! I'm sure it will cure almost anything. You mommi and you are such good cooks! Everything you guys make looks so delicious.

Sorry to hear that your pawrents are sick. Hope that they are feeling better soon and that neither of them is laid up for long.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Asta, if you need any nursing help, I can be there soon. I'll bring my bandana and nurse's hat.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta...BUT I NEED to blowdry my fur...and roll it on my little purple velcro rollers...it won't take long...I pawsitively WEFOOSE to walk around the city with stick straight frizzy fur...

Could you whip me up a brussel spout smoothie for some nuuuurishment...just one blenderful should do it....


Deefor said...

That soup looks delish. I have to stand in the kitchen and hope my mom "drops" stuff when she cooks it. Wish I could make my own.


Lorenza said...

Chicken soup is the best remedy!
Kisses and hugs

The Oceanside Animals said...

That looks like some good soup!

Duke said...

Your chicken soup looks delicious, Asta! You are quite the cook as well as an excellent nurse!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Cocorue said...

Asta, that looks DELISH

do come by to collect your award

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Yes, there is nothing like homemade chicken soup to help one feel better - hope your Mom and Dad feel better soon.

Woos, the OP Pack

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Your soup looked so delish! Asta you are the best nurse fer sure!
XXOO-BRD & Hootie

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Asta sweetie! That looks delicious! I can almost smell it through the computer. Please tell your Mommy that I will give a call later.

Love, Auntie Deb

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Did you save any soup for me!!

Toffee said...


Unknown said...

Where can I buy the added smoochie kisses? Is it bottled and for sale?

Inky and Molly said...

Next time we feel a bit crook we'll definitely call on you!!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow that looks like some tasty soup - it is sure to make anyone feel better!