a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, May 30, 2009


my Stanley is gone..he went back to wule his countwy and I miss him sooooooooooooooooooo
I spent most of the day by my doow, hoping he'd come back, but he didn't

all I have is my tweasoowed memowies of ouw time togethew
and his sweet tendew kisses
(Oh, and my Ginowmous diamond which I will show you at a latew date)

I have mowe pictoowes of some of ouw good times. I will shawe them ovew the next days wif you...

hewe is a smile box of ouw day that we spent in Centwal Pawk:

Stanley will have his own vewsions as soon as his Giwl gets a little west and then puts them up fow him. (Make soowe you go visit them)
I know fiwst they will have a vewy happy weoonion wif my bbf, his little sissie,
Stella Bean Latifah and Mewv (who i heaw was none too happy to be left at home )

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: Centwal Pawk wif A&S
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we ended ouw day wif a pedicab wide
(btw, the guy was woode----he didn't shawe his ice cweam)

now I have to go sneep...and dweam


I hope all of you awe having a gweat weekend
smoochie kisses

pee ess pleez go and congwatulate Mawtha and Bailey on theiw hundwedth post! it's fow a good cause too!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

All alone in the moonlight?


Amber-Mae said...

Hey Asta! I've been neglecting everybuddy's blog too. Sounds like you've been busy. Having fun with the Gooberboy is it? Hee!

Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh dear, that John Lennon song brought tears to our eyes...
You and Stanley are a match made in heaven. We're so glad you got to meet (in real life lol).
Hopefully you will again sometime soon.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Martha said...

Beautiful Smilebox and one of our Mum's all time favourites - she thinks Imagine says it all!
We are sorry you are sad Asta - we are sending you basset licks to help.
Remember we love you as do all your many friends.
Perhaps Stan will come again soon and if he has given you a diamond.......
Well you know what that means - a forever promise so it is Au Revoir and not Goodbye.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx

Clive said...

Hi Asta

We loved your Smilebox and John Lennon's song. The little man's mum was so impressed with the Smilebox you did the other day that she put one in our post yesterday - she actually managed to sign up and get it done - which is kind of a miracle for her!

Take care
Clive and gang

Duke said...

We can only imagine how much you miss Stanley, Asta! You spent so much time together and made so many memories together! The smilebox was wonderful! Thank you for sharing yourself and Stanley with us and your mommi and daddi too, of course!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh I hope you get to eet again soon. How lovely a time did you have. Sooo romantic.

Hope your mums knee is better soon.

Hugs GJ xx

Mack said...

Did you say a DIAMOND??????

Wow you two musta had a good time!!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We understands about laundry, it rules our lives.

Now Asta, we wants to hear all about the diamond??????? Are there wedding bells in your future???? ~S,S,C & F

Gus said...

Ohhhh...we are excited about the news, and have been travelling with you vicariously. I think Stanley should have taken you on a horsey carriage ride in Central Pawk. That is pretty womantick, I hear.

We enjoyed the smile box. Tell Mommi that Laundry can wait, and she can catch up on blogs with her leg propped up and the laptop in her lappy.

gussie d

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

Me & my Mom loved your Smilebox...Our favorite one...We love that song...

I'm sorry you are sad...I'm sure you & Stanley will see eachother again soon...

Ummm...What's this about a Diamond???

Abby xxxooo

Unknown said...

Those are sweet sweet memories. At least you had time together. Now I'm surprised that guy didn't share his ice cream with you! HMMMM.


The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Asta, we are so sorry that you are sad! DID YOU SAY THAT YOU HAVE A DIAMOND???? WOWSIE!!! Come over and help us trash the house today! That will make you feel better!

p.s. We hope that your Mommy isn't hurt too badly! What happened?

The Furry Kids said...

We're so sorry that you're missing Stanley. :( And that that cab driver didn't share his ice cream. :(

Thank you so much for stopping by our blog last week and leaving such a sweet comment for our Mom over the loss of her Gramma. We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends.


Daisy said...

Your Smilebox scrapbook was beautiful! Asta, do not be sad. You will always have your memories to treasure forever. And I can't wait to see your DIAMOND!!!

Sally said...

What a lovely scrapbook - what wonderful memories! What is this about a diamond?

I am sure you will see Stanley again soon - it looks like you had a great time - lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

Hansel said...

wat a great tim yoo had!

Asta, yoo are next on our list for PETEY to visit. Is it ok wif yoo if we borrow sum fotos and shrink petey into dem? It's scheduled to air June 9th- We will only do dis if we hafs yoor permisshun!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

So romantic and we can hardly wait to see the diamond. Tell Mommi to forget about the laundry, prop her feet up and come visit. We miss you.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

PS - Piper has been incarcerated, but he is almost ready to be fit to be around humans and doggies again.

Patience-please said...

Ah Asta. [sigh] The servant has all but abandoned me. I am stuck here with no blog visiting or virtual travel opportunities.
I am a gentle dog, and see I have lost out permanently. But, I will remain forever you friend and admirer, if from only afar.

Sam I Am

Lacy said...

w00fs, me sorry ur stanley iz gone home..but mayb soon u will all haff Another visit...me loved the smiley scrapbook..

b safe,

Sir Chance-Lot said...

I LOVE you!

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

HEY!!!! Did you say DIAMOND?!?!? OMD. I am very exciting for you Asta dahling!
Mom says shes chasing her tail too,. Tell your dear Mom to relax before laundry!!
Loved the smilebox
ahem, Are you going to be picking bridesmaids soon?? uh, just wondering....
Kisses&Hugs from Aunty Jamie to you and your sweet Momi and daddi.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...dry your tears girl...

Obviously you are in serious need of some Retail Therapy and a stop for some of that fabbers hot carob in that totally awesome tearoom....

I'm thinkin' you might wanna pick out a pretty summer sundress and perhaps a new hat...always lifts the spirit....

Your Smilebox was amazing!!!! Central Park is totally bootiful...why haven't you and I ever gone there...what kind of bootiques do they have in it? Nail places????? Sounds like a great place to shop, even if it does look a little rural!!

I'll be poppin' in tonight...we can get started shoppin' tomorrow...oh...um...

I DON'T DO LAUNDRY. I'll bring Babystan to help...he has no problem draggin' the hooge baskets around with all the dirty clothes...

Have any of that bunny dinner left? I'm starvin'...nobody's been cookin' 'round here....sigh...

Do you think we could sneep er sleep on top of you sky light???

How cool is that!!

Love ya lots...

Your BFF...Laciegirlie

Pee ess...that pic of Scruff??? I added somethin' to his butt to give it a three dimensional perspective plus the olfactory assualt....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Koobuss said...

Oh, poor kousin Asta.

Sure you are going to be lonesome now. At least you have all those wonderful memories. And you can still see Stanley anytime you want on your pooter.

Loved your pics of Central Park. You guys sure had a good time.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

pee ess Hope your Mommi is feeling better soon. My mom knows what it's like to have sore knees.
Good luck to her.

Kelly said...

Oh Asta! That smilebox was wonderful. You can really see the love between you and Stanley! I hope you and your Mommie rest up now, and that Stanley and his girl come back soonest.

the many Bs said...

we're glad you had so much fun with Stanley. our mom was sad when we listened to your smilebox song. we hope that you will show us more photos and we will go to Stanley's too to see more. it sounds like it was a wonderful vacation for him and his girl.


Persephone and Buster said...

oh asta... we're sorry your boy stanley had to go traveling again..and with out you...heavy sigh. sounds like you had a great visit w/lots of memories!! hey you visited our favorite spot in central park...alice!! very cool. rest up
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms.Blue too

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a wonderful visit. We're sorry you're depressed over his returning home. It must be hard to be without him now.

Kirby said...


What a wonderful visit you had with Stanley and his girl. Mom and I have just loved looking at your pictures of his visit. You guys did so many cool things, I'm so jealous. Don't be too lonely without Stanley. You'll always have the wonderful memories of your visit together.

Your pal,

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
Special message from my mummy to your mommi to say that she feels her pain abt the laundry. It was laundry day on Sat and mom was moaning and groaning about how much there is to wash/ iron...
Hope your mommi's knee is ok and it's not something serious?!!

Hugs to all...

Hollie and Janie said...

I'm sorry your true love had to return to rule his kingdom. I know you miss him terribly!! I can't wait to see your ring! Diamonds always make a girl smile!!

The Cat Realm said...

Oh Asta - I hope Stan will be coming back soon! But you have made so many wonderful memories with him - and you are soooo wonderfully distracted right now, being on a submarine in the South Pacific, ready to surprise Karl and Ruis in Bora Bora, I saw your picture at Momo's blog...
Mrs. OZ

Toffee said...

You two are an adorable couple! I am so bummed that we could not see you when you toured Beantown.

Thank you for sharing!

Fred said...

Old Girl says a diamond is a nice consolation prize.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh we are sure you miss our friend.. We are sure he will come back real soon..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Peanut said...

How could that guy not share his ice cream with you?

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Woooo girlie, what's all this about a diamond??? Another DWB wedding in the mix?
I bet you're missing your Stanny like mad....we'll have to go and visit him once we've caught up with everyone (yes, we are being neglectful too, no excuse, just gorgeous weather and big sis is home!)
Try and cheer up!
Slobbers xx

Jake of Florida said...

Three little words to cheer you up:

"Diamonds are Forever..."


Jake and Just Harry

Allison Walton said...

I can dream of the old days, life was beautiful then.
I remember, the time I knew what happiness was.
Let the memory live again.

Gus and Waldo

tula monstah said...

Oh Asta,
Central pahk in the springtime with your Stanley Goobs is a perwfect day. He's kinduva tall handsome airedude. By the end of your walkis, his tongue was a bit bananas too:)

Sounds like your mommie is buried under all that 800k lbs of laundry-- hoomans! Pullease, why so many clothes. Just grow fur!

Sweet dreams of your goobers.


Bae Bae said...

That's so romantic... what a pawsome date

~ Bae

Sassy Kat said...

Don't be sad sissy that Stanley has gone back home. You have all of your wonderful memories and photos to keep close in your heart. I bet for sure that Stanley will maybe visit you again. Just look ahead and start to plan the next visit. It will make your parting not as painful.

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

You must be so sad to have your love away again, but I know your happy memories will keep you thinking of him until you get to see each other again. I hopes it will be soon.
Another great smilebox.
~lickies, Ludo

TwoSpecialWires said...

We have a question. Why are those tourists pointing their cameras up in the air? Don't they know they should be photographing you and Stanley in your pedicab? We mean, REALLY! Are all tourists that foolish?

We know you miss Stanley. We're hoping you plan a reunion with him and you travel to see him by way of OUR house!

Now, rest!

BTW You haven't missed my birthday celebration, at all. I'm still waiting for it. Mom says I have to have a better belly, cuz she knows I'll go a little nuts when I open my pressies. They are still on the dining room table, and every once in a while my Girl squeaks one. Grumble

Jake (and Fergi, too!)

Anonymous said...

Oh Asta, we loved seeing all the pictures of you and your special Stanley in the park and the museum and just hangin' out. You make such a beautiful pair!

See ya!
Joey and Zeke

Eric said...

Dearest Asta,please don't be sad, I'm betting Stanley and his girl had the mostest wonderful time making memories that will last a them fur ever of the time they spend with you and your leggededs- like you did with them. Thats soooo wagging!!! So celebrate - get the bolly out!!!

And what's this about a diamond? oooh have you something exciting to bark about??? Boy Oh boy how exciting , I love a bit of romance - you know us metro sixools,always in touch with out femine side!!

Wiry lovies and kissies, Eric xxxxxxx

Agatha and Archie said...

Yep the song brought a little tear to our eyes too..( as well as the fact that the Goob is gone) We miss that kid too( and we only had one day with him..) Love and kisses A+A

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Never mind Asta, big hugs bein sent to yu!

Don't cownt theez days as mor days apart, cownt them as fewer days till yu see him agen!
