a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mommi Day

I took Mommi out fow a walk on the nice Spwing stweets in ouw neighbowhood. This is one of ouw favowitest town houses..I think billionawes live thewe, but it suwe is pwetty

We love the flowewing twees and the fwesh spwing gween

and in many places thewe is a cawpet of blossoms that fell fwom the twees

aftew a wainstowm alll the flowews awe so fwesh and spawkly
When I talk to Mommi about what she wants fow Mommi day, she aways says stuff like, "Ooh, I just want Daddi and you Asta to be healthy and wif me fuwwevew. I know she means it, but I also know a few secwets. She would love to have gobs of money to adopt all the aboosed homeless doggies in the wowld, and a magic wand to take huwt away and make all the puppy mills disappeaw and put all the bad hoomans who huwt us in little cages wif no bafwooms and all cwowded togethew and no food ow fwesh watew.

(I know this makes Mommi sound evil, she weally isn't except those types of gweedy hoomans bwing out hew evilness.)

I also know thewe is a building neaw us that she always says would be the dweam place to live
hewe it is:

it belongs to Donna Kawen, and she has tons of othew houses and doesn't weally use it. Hew Husband used to have his sculptoowe studio in it.
When I win the lottewy , I'm buying it fow Mommi . I think it would be a nice suwpwise fow hew. We could adopt a lot of doggies fwom sheltews and womp inside and out..thewe's tons of woom, even a gawage fow two caws(unheawd of in Manhattan)..of couwse then we'd have a caw too and could visit all ouw fwiends on weekends, hehehe

Well, I didn't win yet, and Mommi says she is supew Happy to just have me and Daddi to walk wif and snuggle..a pawfect Mommi's Day , she says.

we love walking aftew the wain..the old cobblestones have been hewe since the Dutch owned Manhattan..pwetty cool..not too many stweets like this left. We'we lucky to have them neaw us.

now we'we almost home, this is on ouw cownew..a little mini pawk to sit and look at the sky
and sniff awound fow news of neighbowhood fwiends
I leave you wif this bootiful dogwood (so well named, don't you think?) fow all the wondewful Mommi's we have..I hope they all have the best day!
smoochie kisses


Faya said...

C'est vraiment très beau ! Et je suis certaine que ça sent bon....
Demain en Suisse c'est aussi la fête des Mères....
Gros bisous, Faya

Gus said...

Asta,,that is the sweetest Mother's Day wish list I've seen. You are a sweet Doggie with a sweet Mommi and Daddi...we hope you have a wonderful day.

(sob, my muzzer will not be home until noon tomorrow, I want her home NOW!)

Daisy said...

Your neighborhood sure is pretty, Asta. I love the photo of the puddle reflecting the trees and flowers.

I hope, one day, your mom will get all her wishes!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Thanks for the tour!
Sure you had a lovely walkie with your mom!
I am sure she will have a great day with your Dad and you!
Kisses and hugs

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Thanks for the tour of your neighbourhood Asta, you live in a pretty interesting place. Very different to here.

Happy Mommi's Day to your Mom, you very lucky to hae such a kind, caring and thoughtful Mom.

~lickies, Ludo

The Oceanside Animals said...

That's a beautiful neighborhood, Asta, and you fit right in there!

Lacy said...

w00fs, iffin me wins lottery me will buy the studio loft fur ur mommi too...and thats a lovely walk u tooked us on....

b safe,

The Black and Tans. said...


We quite agree that Spring is a wonderful time of the year.
As it it has been sunny this week we have been gnawing our bones whilst sitting on the lawn and have been surrounded by the pretty blossom on all our trees.

Happy MOther's Day to you Mummy.

Molly and Taffy xx

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...what a bootiful postie!!! Wouldn't it be fab if you and I could buy one of those townhomes and live there??? We could walk over and visit you Mommi and Daddi everyday...you and I could shop and giggle and not have BROTHERS around....we could do whatever we wanted...I could wear more makeup and more wevealin' dresses cuz Mumsie would be way far away and wouldn't see...course I would miss her...

Second thought, maybe we could just use it as a vacation home!!!

Thank you for the bootiful dogwood pic!! It is very aptly named sweet Girl...

Hmmm...so Muzzer is gonna be back by Nooners tomorrow...could be a fair amount of cleanin' up to do by then!


Love, Lac

Hansel said...

happee mommeh's deh!

Persephone and Buster said...

hi asta... neat neighborhood! i'm with you the sculpture studio would be the one! <----for my humomm too... she's a sculptor! hehehee... she said she realllly likes those windows. anyhow enjoy your walkeeez it looks like a great place to walk through.
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms. Blue too

Stanley said...

Sweet FuzzButt O' Mine!

My girl simply cannot WAIT to snuggle you up! You are SO sweet to wish for all those great things for your mommi, and I absolutely LOVE her list. Maybe you and I can buy that house from Donna Karan someday for your sweet mommi & daddi! We could all live together!

My girl said that she is my girl and we can celebrate girl's day for her tomorrow if we want to. She said a similar thing, though. She just wants whirled peas and all the love we can give her. I'll take care of the goober love, but I'm not so sure what I can do about the peas.

Goober love & smooches,

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

We like the tour of your neigoborhood. The brownstone house is really pretty. We like how the flowers are blooming. All of our tulips are gone - we had rain on and off for over a week. Yikes!

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

P.S. Papa, Mama and I (Hershey) are going to see Grammy and Kaci for Mother's Day.

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

OOPS! Mama meant to write town house - not brownstone.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm sure your mommi knows what woo would do fur her if woo khould!

My mom would be right there with your mommi on the bad hoomans! In fakht, I heard her say things like that to Summii's Mummii the other night!

Happy Mommi Day to your special HUMAN!


TwoSpecialWires said...

We loved the walk. Everything about it. And we believe that sometimes dreams come true. What would life be like without dreams, Asta?

Happy Mother's Day.
You've got a GREAT mommy!
Enjoy it with her!

Fergi and Jake

Suzuki said...

Hi Asta
Your Mummy doesn't sound evil. She sounds a lot like our Mummy :)
Mummy would love to be able to give all of the unwanted homeless doggies a loving and warm place to live. She would also like to dole out her own justice to the hoomans that hurt animals... I would like to see Mummy do that. They would never hurt another animal again by the time she was finished with them BOL
Big licks to you

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Asta, what a beautiful walk you took your Mom on. We know that having you and your Dad is very fulfilling for her; but know you'd like to see her get her dream home - we would too.

Spoil your Mom a little tomorrow for Mothers Day.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Koobuss said...

Kousin Asta,

Happy Mother's Day to your Mommi, Ami! I hope that someday all of her dreams come true.

Great pictures of your neighborhood. We really enjoyed seeing them.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

tula monstah said...

I think your mommie is very happy just having dayz like this with you Asta! Taking in the beautiful flowers and old streets and dreaming....

My toe toes are crossed too for you to win the lottery & help stop puppy mills & save lots of poor doggies out therah.

Give extra kisses & hugs to your mommie today!
Happy M-day,


Noah the Airedale said...

We have a dogwood in our garden too Asta and when you win the lottery you, your mummy & daddy can come to Australia to see it. We hope you win soon. We'd love to see your mummy in her dream home.
Thanks for showing us the streets of New York. Those homes remind D of the movie You've Got Mail.

Noah xx

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh no we forgot to say happy mothers day hehe.

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Martha said...

What a lovely walk, we liked seeing where you live and the pretty blossoms. Our Dad thinks the blossoms falling off the trees are untidy!!
We, like you, think what a beautiful carpet of blossom - we especially like when there is a breeze and they drift along!
Happy Mommy's Day to your mum - tell her she is already a millionaire.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xx

Duke said...

We hope your mommi wins lotto and gets her dream one day soon, Asta! It's a wonderful wish!
Happy mother's day to your mommi!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

That house next door would be a real good one for you too with that nice big window to look out of.

I liked the tour of your neighborhood.

Momma's are easy. They are happy with smoochies for their day.


Mack said...

Happy Momma's day to pretty Asta momma!!

Your neighborhood sure is pretty. I think Ms. Karen needs to give up one of her mansions so doggies in need could have a home!!!

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, what a wonderful walkie you and your mommi had. you have a wonderful mommi and we are sure that she is very happy just to be with you and your daddi on this mothers day.


Patience-please said...

Happy Happy Mother's Day to your sweet Mommi, Asta!!!

wags from the expanded waggle of whippets

Moco said...

That was wonderful Mommi Day walk. We enjoyed going on it with you. If we win the lottery we will send you the money for that house.

Joe Stains said...

omdog we sure wish we could buy everything our Mom wanted too. That house looks beautiful for sure. The first town house reminds us of the house on the Cosby Show, Tanner's favorite!!

Happy Mother's Day to your Mom!!

Sophie Brador said...

YOu just wait Asta. I'm going to hang around outside Donna Karen's house and then she will see me and think, OMD! That is the mostly divalicious former dancer dog I have ever seen in my life, I must use her as my muse and she must come and live in my house, and then she will just give me her house because I will inspire her to move to Russia, and then I will give it to your mom.


P.S. I always have great ideas.

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Asta, what a very sweet Mother's Day post :o) We hope your Mommi really did have a perfect day (you and your Daddy too!) Your neighbourhood is so pretty, thanks for the tour....all the blossoming trees are beautiful.
Love and slobbers xx

Mason Dixie said...

What a great way to spend Mother's day, thank you for sharing. =)

ThePainterPack said...

Asta, I just wuv woo!!!! Happy Mother's Day to your mommie!!!

Mya Boo Boo

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
You are one truly sweet girl.. I hope you strike the lottery too so that you can buy taht beautiful house for your mommi (and if you have some spare cash leftover, can you fly us over so that we can play in your big playground?).
Happy Mother's Day to your Mommi!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day to your Mommi, Asta! That sure was a pretty walk.

Your pals,
Joey and Zeke

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Asta, my sweetie...Sloane and I had so much fun playing with you on Saturday! Please thank your parents for such a lovely afternoon and evening! WE HAD SO MUCH FUN! GOOD FRIENDS, GOOD CONVERSATION, GOOD FOOD, GOOD WINE AND A VERY SPECIAL PUPPY WHO GIVES GREAT SMOOCHIE KISSES!!! What a fabulous time we had! Can't wait to do it again!


Auntie Deb

Sally said...

That was a great Mother's Day walk - I think the idea of rescuing lots of dogs is wonderful.. My D agrees that buying that house and filling it with dogs and happy people is a super thing. We are hoping you do win the lottery.

Those were lovely flowers - and a lovely walk

Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

Hamish Westie said...

Who knew a city neighbourhood could be so pretty? I love seeing photos of where all my different dog bloggy pals stay, and through this I'm learning what a beautiful and diverse world we live in. If only I could just jump through the magic screen and go and properly explore all the different locations. (I am still waiting for a version of the internet that transmits smells as well as text and pictures...)
Cheers! H.

Kelly said...

Oh Asta, what a lovely walk you had with your Mommi! I hope she had the most fabulous Mother's Day.

I always love looking at pictures of where you live. It looks a lot different than Oklahoma, it makes me feel like I'm on vacation! I also love all the things your Mommi wishes for- my momma has the same wishes.