a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, May 15, 2009

Fwiends helping Fwiends

Wemembew my good fwiend Taylow?? She's Ruis, my fellow CCSI membew and fwiend's woofie sistew.
A while ago I asked all of you to go and send hew get well wishes when she was weally sick.

Well She wecovewed, but is not so stwong in hew leggies, and was having a lot of pain when walking. This made hew sad cause she still wants to wun and play and wag hew tail and join in the fun.
Taylow wif Bubbles, B'Elanna and Luna
photo by Ruis

She just celebwated hew 14th Biwfday, and
hew two Mommies decided to get hew a wheelie chaiw to help hew walk.

Photo by Ruis
well, she was a little pawplexed, had no idea what to do, so she wemembewed that hew fwiend Myrna is an expawt in wheeling. Luckily, Myrna and Gilbewt wewe still in OOwope, and wushed wight ovew.
Taylow was a little embawwased in fwont of Gilbewt, and so he gave them theiw pwivacy. don't wowwy, he didn't go faw..he would nevew leave Mywna.
I heawd about this, and asked if I could use theiw telepowting machine and join them. I just love the Nethewlands, especially in the spwingtime, and I figoowed it would occoopy me and take away my newvousness ovew Stanley's visit next week.

photo by Asta

I immediately put on my cheewleading outfit, and Myrna got hew stop watch and whistle to help coach Taylow..well, at least we made hew laugh, but we wewe having teck-nickel difficulties

Photo by Ruis
Mywna and I stwipped to be able to wowk on the wheels
photo by Ruis
the bweez felt so good wifout clothes, that we decided to stay naked. Taylow was weally getting the hang of it..moving much mowe smoofly now.

photo by Ruis

suddenly we came to a sudden stop.. I spotted something I had nevew seen, only heawd of...wabbit dwoppings!!!!!!
Taylor and Buzzew laughed and said, hahahahcity dogs, hahahaha...
let's just say, thewe awe advantages to being in the countwy

photo by Ruis
aftew all that exewtion, we decided to take a wefweshing swim...Ruis, found some flippews fow Mywna so she could twy swimming wif us..she was a little scaiwed about it

photo by Ruis
The bootiful day stawted wif Myrna giving Taylow tips on how to get awound wif wheels, and ended wif Taylow teaching Mywna the joys of swimming.

Fwiends awe the most wondewful gift in the wowld!

Thank you Ruis and evewone at Kattenpwaat fow youw gwacious hospitality, and fow taking all these faboolous pictoowes of ouw time thewe.

I plan to come back often, if I can. (did I mention the gweat food and dwinkies we had??well you can imagine!)

Pleez go and leave wowds of encouwagement fow Taylow. This is difficult fow hew and I'm suwe all ouw love and good wishes will help!
smoochie kisses


Bobby said...

We will pop over and give our support to Taylor at once. Have a great weekend.
Grumpy Bobby

Sally said...

We will pop over too - glad you discovered rabbit droppings - they are fun to roll in as well!

You are a wonderful friend - have a super duper weekend

Sally and Paddy

Martha said...

Hi Asta
We will visit Taylor directly and offer our support.
We are sure however that your laughter therapy with your post today will do the trick!
Asta you are a star!
We love you
Martha & Bailey xx

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh I laughed so much, thanks for cheering a dull Saturday, we will go say hi now.

Hugs GJ xx

Dexter said...

Myrna sure is a good teacher. That pup is now a wheelie AND a doggie. How cool is that?


Mack said...

You guys are real sweeties to help Taylor like that! We will go on over and say hi!

Mack said...

P(ee)S: We couldn't get the linky to work....

Unknown said...

You would make great physical therapist- even naked. Hee hee. I'll had over and tell taylor what a great job with the fancy new wheelie legs.


Gus said...

Asta and Sweet Myrna...You guys are the greatest! We will drop by with good wishes for Taylor.

gussie d

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Great piccures and great post. It be so cool that Taylor's peoples has found a way to help him and go you and Myrna for lending a hand.
~lickies, Ludo
pee ess: rabbit poo be the best huh?

Eric said...

Asta and Myrna. Splendid job helping Taylor.He'll soon be rolling along, good on them kitties helping their bro' like that. I'll wag over and visist him.

Love and kissies, Eric xxx

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi Asta -

We'll go and visit Taylor. Today is Mama and Papa's anniversary. Have a good weekend.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

What a cool wheelie..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta...that pic of Myrna...um in the joggin' suit...what do ya think? There was a pic of her in People too...I think it was more obvious there...or photoshopped????

You guys were the best with Taylor...what a simply genius idea to coach and cheer for helpin' with those wheels!!!!

You guys are pawsome and the pix were amazing!!!!!

Love ya lots...


Princess Patches said...

We've been over to see Taylor. She looks like she is doing great with her new wheels!...thanks to you and Myrna!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Jans Funny Farm said...

Very good day's work, Asta! You and Myrna were most helpful. We'll go check on Taylor now.

Hansel said...

visiting taylor right now! what a fun day!

The Black and Tans. said...

We think this is absolutely wonderful. It is marvellous to see Taylor has these wheels to help her.
We will pop over and visit her.

Molly and Taffy

Sophie Brador said...

Those wheels are cool, although they would probably freak me out and I'd keep trying to run away from them. But that might actually work, come to think of it. Mom wishes they made those wheelie carts in a front end version for dogs like me.


The Oceanside Animals said...

We've seen a dog with wheels like that around the Mission -- it really helps her get around.

The WriggleButts said...

Well done, guys!


Hollie and Janie said...

You and Myrna are such sweet friends! I'm sure Taylor will adjust and be wheelin' around in no time!!

TwoSpecialWires said...

Oh my dog! You went to the Netherlands!!!!? Keukenhof is one our Mom's favorite places and she LOVES LOVES LOVES the Dutch masters (as in artists... not dog masters... but she might like some of them, too!)

That's great how Myrna (and you, Asta) were able to help Taylor with her new wheels. It made us smile. Mom wishes she could have gone with you ... that's what she used to do with children, when they had trouble walking around! She didn't wear a cheerleader outfit though (good thing!) It doesn't look like you needed any help, though.

We're happy you got to experience wabbit dwoppings, Asta! We know where there are lots more, and you're welcome to come enjoy them!

And swimming, Myrna! Your tail did a great job counterbalancing your head! (I guess I'd better work on gettint my tail up if I'm going to try swimming this summer!)

What a great way to spend a day! You are right. Friends ARE the most wonderful gift. (We are glad you are ours! And, yes, I am feeling much better!)

Now ... don't get yourself too worked up in anticipation of Stanley's visit. You know (I know, too) that anxiety can create the most undesirable symptoms with a sensitive system.

It will be wonderful.

Supergirl Fergi (and Jake. He's somewhere)

Clive said...

Hi Asta

We'll pop over now and say hello!

Hope you're having a good weekend.

lots of woofs

Joe Stains said...

omdog we went right on over! How cool to have your very own set of wheels!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Such a great friend you are, Asta. We will go visit Taylor.

Woos, the OP Pack

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Sure is nice that Taylor has her wheelies to move around.
Glad you were there to encourage her!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Asta and Myrna, thank you again for helping my sister Taylor! You are such great friends! We all had a wonderful day together and hope to do it again soon!

We made people smile, which is always good, but most important is that Taylor is walking so much better with her wheels and a happy girl again!!

Headbutts and hugs,
~ Ruis

The Cat Realm said...

Asta! You and Myrna are such wonderful friends, I am thrilled beyond words about this awesome adventure! Now you will have to look for a pool in addition to the run, for Myrna in NY, hahahahahahahahahaha!
I am so happy you got to go over to Limburg and visit with my In-laws and help out Taylor!

Duke said...

You're true friends to help Taylor out!
Bless you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

We are going right over to say Hi to Taylor...

You are such a good friend...Always there to help...

Abby xxxooo

Agatha and Archie said...

We will pop over right now...You girls were a big help....Love and kisses A+A PS your teeth look so nice in your top picute.How often do you have to have them whitened??

Daisy said...

I think it is so wonderful that Taylor got a special wheelie chair to help her walk around real good!

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

Dear Asta,

You are the a true guardian angel of furry kids. That is so nice what you did for Taylor. Thank you so much for posting a link for Millie. Dad says you have too many http things so the link won't work. If you click on it you'll see what he means. That stuff is all human to me. He said it should be


Thank you again for your kindness. I know that your bloggie gets way more traffic than mine.

Millie was afraid of the thunder we got lastnight so I slept in the next room where she could see me so she wouldn't be all alone. Bark at you soon.

Luna Licks,


Amber-Mae said...

Thanks for letting us know about her. I just visited her blog. She looks nice with her fancy wheelie! It's sad though that she is sometimes in pain.

Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies

Sassy Kat said...

I was so happy to hear that Taylor was going to get a wheelie to help get around. It was so nice to you to pitch in and help with things. This was such an important day and I know how much your valuable information was to Taylor and the family. How great it is to have wonderful friends.

Oh, I like your blog, makes me feel like being at home, stop over and you will see what I said that, ha, ha.

Unknown said...

Hi Asta,

Poor Taylor - but how lovely to have so many friends to help! I think you are all wonderful.

Am going over to Taylor's now to say hello and leave some slobbers.

Honey the Great Dane

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Thanks for sharing the photos with us, Asta! I will stop by Taylor's blog after this...*grins* You sure make a great cheerleader, along with the other wheelies and doggies!


Huskee and Hershey said...

We will go over and woof our support to Taylor right after this, Asta!
It's great that Taylor has so many people who love and care for her...

Simba and Jazzi said...

A real live wheely. What a brave doggie.

Simba and Jazzi xx

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

We will go at once and see Taylor! What a cool new wheely!!!

Asta....we love you very much!