a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, June 30, 2014

Suwpwise Pwezzie fwom Pip

I gots the most wondewfullest gift today fwom auntie Kristin Avery  and my deewest fwiend angel Pip (who lives ovew the bwidge now)

..it's the stowy of Pip , who went fwom being an abandoned doggie to a most beloved membew of a wondewful loving family..

Pip dedicates this book to Wescue dogs and the people who love them and his bootiful littol hooman sissie Madeline. 

It is a joyous book and if you haven't yet..wun don't walk to get yoow own  copy!

..a pawtion of the book will be donated to selected sheltews and wescoo owganizashuns. 

You can get it on amazon in papewback and fow yoow kindle http://www.amazon.com/Keeping-It-Real-Lessons-Confessed-ebook/dp/B00L0FMNI6 

ow visit blurb.com fow owdewing infawmashun. 

 Pip was and aways will be a vewy speshul fwiend of mine.

You might wemembew that he and Puddles "visited" me on his bucket toow

i hope he is eating his beloved cheesebuwgews ovew the bwidge and will aways know how much I love him. 

 I twied weading it by muself fiwst, but Mommi had to help me wif sum of the big  wowds

 hewe I am weading

 Mommi awe you shoowe you wead that wight?

gosh, I love evewy page,

I think I'm going to wead it all ovew again and again

THANK YOU SO VEWY VEWY MUCH auntie Kristin and Pip and Madeline
I will tweasoowe it fuwwevew

smoochie kisses


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Back Again

Hewo Deew fwiends aftew anothew long absence.

 I have missed you, but life sumetimes gets hawd and we had sum not so good things happen. My Daddi had a TIA and wound up in the hopsital and scawed Mommi to deaf. 
 Thank dog he is now fine and has no wemnants of the incident and now life is luvly again.

 Last week was much too wawm, but fwiday bwought wif it the most glowioos weathew wif cooling bweezes and sunshiny blue skyes.
 We went to ouw oosual fwiday night pub night to see sum fwiends. This time on Mawgawet Island in middol of the city. 

 I made a small smileybox fow all of you to see..I hope you enjoy it.

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I hope all of you awe well..

I know Fwankie needs POTP and I am cwossing my paws vewy hawd fow him. Happy Fathew's Day to all the Daddies out in Bloggieland and
please stay healthy and Happy

 smoochie kisses