Hewo Fuwwpals in Blogland,
Well this is a vewy excitewing NewYeaws Eve.
.all of us awe going to the speshul blogland Ball latew tonight, but as you know, i live many houws ahead of most of youm hehehe, soooooo,
I get to have TWO, count them, TWO NewYeaws in a wow.
Fiwstest, my Gussie is cuming ovew to boo da Pest to take me to the Opewa
(this is the metwo stop wight in fwont of the Opewa..it's only thwee stops fwom my house, and I thought it would be lots bettew than dwiving cause this way we can have Champews) to see "Die Fledewmous" a pawticoolawly a pwo pwo choice fow us tewwiewists, don't you think? (and NO, it is not about mices)
anyway I gots all dwessed up fow the speshul evening..weady fow womance
little did I know that a bunch of my pals decided to come along
(I think it was Gussie's JRT sissie's idea so we wouldn't be alone, sheeesh)
in the end, it was gweat to be wif all my pals..
we stowmed the stage in the last act and took ovew the pawfowmance..
Appeawing on stage fwom left to wight:
TekaToy, Scruffy, Agatha scweaming the song, Fewgie, Lacie, Bewtie (who came fow a speshul appeawance), Stanley(Lacie's embawwased bwuddew) ,Katie, Me(Asta), Spawky, Ewic, Jake(Fewgie'sbwofew), Awchie(who seems to be in the wong pwoducshun),
and my sweet Gussiekins kneeling in fwont
as you can imagine we had a ball,
and as evewyone stawted to get weady fow theiw flight to the Blogville Ball, Gussie and I had ouw fiwst of two NewYeaw's midnights
and now it's off in Gussie's Magic caw to come celbwate wif all of you and dance the night away at the Blogville Ball
bestest wishes to evewyone fow a Happy, healthy and safe
NewYeaw full of fun and love and full tummies
smoochie kisses