a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Two NewYeaw's Eve's doo to living on the othew side of the Wowld

Hewo Fuwwpals in Blogland, 

 Well this is a vewy excitewing NewYeaws Eve.
.all of us awe going to the speshul blogland Ball latew tonight, but as you know, i live many houws ahead of most of youm hehehe, soooooo, 

I get to have TWO, count them, TWO NewYeaws in a wow.

 Fiwstest, my Gussie is cuming ovew to boo da Pest to take me to the Opewa 

(this is the metwo stop wight in fwont of the Opewa..it's only thwee stops fwom my house, and I thought it would be lots bettew than dwiving cause this way we can have Champews) to see "Die Fledewmous" a pawticoolawly a pwo pwo choice fow us tewwiewists, don't you think? (and NO, it is not about mices)

anyway I gots all dwessed up fow the speshul evening..weady fow womance

little did I know that a bunch of my pals decided to come along 
(I think it was Gussie's JRT sissie's idea so we wouldn't be alone, sheeesh)
 in the end, it was gweat to be wif all my pals..
we stowmed the stage in the last act and took ovew the pawfowmance.. 

Appeawing on stage fwom left to wight:
 TekaToy, Scruffy, Agatha scweaming the song, Fewgie, Lacie, Bewtie (who came fow a speshul appeawance), Stanley(Lacie's embawwased bwuddew) ,Katie, Me(Asta), Spawky, Ewic,  Jake(Fewgie'sbwofew), Awchie(who seems to be in the wong pwoducshun),
 and my sweet Gussiekins kneeling in fwont 

 as you can imagine we had a ball,

 and as evewyone stawted to get weady fow theiw flight to the Blogville Ball, Gussie and I had ouw fiwst of two NewYeaw's midnights 

and now it's off in Gussie's Magic caw to come celbwate wif all of you and dance the night away at the Blogville Ball

 bestest wishes to evewyone fow a Happy, healthy and safe
 NewYeaw full of fun and love and full tummies 

 smoochie kisses


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Chwissmoos Wishes

Deaw Sweet Fwiends

 I want to thank evewy one of you fow the fwiendship and laughs and pashuns even though I haven't been a vewy active bloggew this yeaw.
 I will twy to be bettew in the next. I wish all of you the mewwiest Chwissmous and a NewYeaw filled wif love and hope and good health 

Mommi made me a speshul twee wif my own ownamentses that fwiends have sent me ovew the yeaws

I cooldn't send pawsonal cawds this yeaw, so I hope all of you see this and know that I am thinking of you and wish you all the best

I hope all of you get all you desiwe this Chwissmous My Biggest wish is that all fuwwkids have full tummies , good health and wawm loving homes fuwwevew, So That is what I wote to Santa Paws 

 smoochie kisses to all, and to all, a good night


Saturday, December 21, 2013

I gots to go to Vienna on the Twain

Deew sweet  fwiendses ,

I hope you'we all being good kids and getting into the Chwissmoos spiwit 

 We gots invited by a fwiend to visit hew in Vienna, so we took the twain to go see hew. I sat in my twavel bag at Mommi's feets and didn't make a peep, that way I got to go fow fweeeYEAH!!!!!

 we walked awound looking at all the bootifully decowated stweets and Chwissmoos Mawkets, but my vewy favowite was wunning awound fwee in the woods and hills above the city and then going to a "Heurigen" to wawm up and eat and dwink... 

 hewe is a smileybox of some of ouw twip. I hope you enjoy the pictoowes (make suwe you click on them to biggify if you want to see bettew) 

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stay safe and know I love you all

smoochie kisses


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Santa Lucia Day and sum news

My Sweetheawt Gussie's pawents lived in Minny Soda when they wewe in gwadjewit school and he heawd about a Scanda hoovian custom that he liked lots so I decided to suwpwise him wif bweakfast in bed today in celebwashun of santa Lucia Day 

I think he liked it, hehehehehe 

 on anothew note, I am pwoud to announce that I am now in awfishul twaining fow the Blogville Detective devishun (Oowopean seckshun) aftew being intewviewed and appwoved by PD Bites. This pawlice depawtment undew the capabull leadewship of ouw chief of Police Sawge, is shaping up to be the best in the wowld. i am pwoud to be pawt of it and pwomise to sewve wif love and bwavewy
this is my wondewful badge that I have been isshood like all of you, i suspect, we awe going cwazy wif too many things to do this howliday season, but I think of all of
 you and send you my love 

 smoochie kisses 


Friday, December 6, 2013

MIKULÁS NAP (St Nicholas Day)

Hewo Sweet Fwiendses 

Happy Mikulás Nap to all of you! 

Hewe in pawts of Oowope inclloding Hungawy, Nethewlands, Gewmany Ostwia and othew places..St Nicholas comes on Decembew sixth with his pal "krampusz" (he's the bad guy) . You can see them in one of the pictoowes on my smilebox..we wan into them on the stweet today

 they ask if you've been good ow bad, and if you wewe good, you get some tweats and small pwezzies, if you wewe bad.., well, you don't want to know, it's enuff to say that Krampusz has a switch with him..

I pawsonally have nevew gotten a spanking and don't know anyone who has cause we'we all good fuwwkids..Mommi says thewe is no othew kind hewe awe sum pictoowes fwom today 

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smoochie kisses

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Soopew Pwezzie

Hewo Fwiends

 Guess what the postie man bwought me a soopew speshul envelope today fwom Mitch and Molly and angel Maggie I was the lucky winnew of a gowgoos Chwissmuss Mitten decowashun that theiw Mom Sue made all by hew clevew self. 

we don't have ouw twee yet, so I am keeping it safe on a tabull meantime, but you can be shoowe, I will tweasoowe it fuwwevew and aways think of them when chwissmuss comes awound and I display it pwoudly on my twee thank you so vewy 
 much deew fwiends!

 smoochie kisses


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Belated but vewy Thankful day

hewo dewe Fwiends 

I hopes you all had a most wondewfu Thanksgiving sowwounded by family and fwiends and love and good smells and foods
 We just had ouw Thanksgiving yestewday...hewe in Boo Da Pest it's not celebwted, thuwsday was just thuwsday hewe, so we did it on satuwday when hoomans had the time to come 

Mommi woasted stuff ahead of time to scwape up and make gwavy the next day

then we set the tabull 

I helped a lot by making hew take fwequent time outs fow play

we moved the tabull into Mommi's painting space fow a change, and then waited fow the guests to awwive

Hewe is a smileybox collage of some of the evening...
Mommi is weawing hew new dwess, that was a gift fwom fwiends fow hew Biwfday 

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I think evewyone had a vewy nice time and left with full tummies 

 Even though I'm not on bloggie as often as I'd like, I am vewy vewy Gwateful fow all of you , my fwiends, fow all the love and suppowt and laughs you have given me ovew all these yeaws ...Happy belated Thanksgiving!

smoochie kisses