a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, January 21, 2013


Deewest Fuwwiends I have a hooge announcement to make!!!!!! It's vewy long, but vewy impawtant, so please weed all of it if you can

it will be a way to have fun wif youw pals in blogville
and help some fuwwkids who have had howwibull big vettie bills

  THE CIRCUS is Coming to town.... 
Friday and Saturday February 15 and 16

 PLEEZ WEED ALL OF THE INFOWMASHUN BELOW so you don't miss out on a thing!!! 

 YES... the BIG TOP is COMING....... with SIDE SHOWS GALORE.... PREPARE yourselves to be Dazzled and AMAZED and filled with LAUGHTER and fine FOODABLES.

 You will need to get your TICKETS/FOLLOW this Blog... http://blogvillefun.blogspot.com 

You can get there NOW. BUT just to take a LOOK.... the circus won't actually ARRIVE there until 2/15/13 

 What will be IN the BIG TOP BLOG??? ($1.00 admission for each)
 Dunking Tank... House Of Mirrors, Kissing Booth, Contortionists ,Carnival Games and... a Fortune Teller AND in the SIDE SHOWS
 you will find (TOTALLY FREE to All) FUReak Show FOODABLES Carnival Rides CLOWNS and a Stuffie Tamer/Trainer act

 COME ONE.... COME ALL.... COME Short and Come TALL 
And the best PAWt... besides the FUN and Food... 

will be that you will be able to LEND a PAW to help some of our Beloved Furends... 

 Admission to the BIG TOP events will have a very small Fee... and the FUNds Collected will be going to help Sallie Marie... and Turien... and Marg.

 BUTT WAIT.... there IS More.... see we know that FUNds are not real easy to come by... and sooooo we are gonna give you totally FREE admission to All of the SIDE SHOW attractions... Just fur lending as much help as you can. It is gonna be the BIGGEST and BESTEST BARGAIN in all of Blogville's HISTORY... Isn't that the most EXCITING Thing EVER???

 Now we know you are wondering... WHO is putting all this ON??? Well folks here is the list of Cast and CREW... with blog addys for each... BIG TOP CIRCUS BLOG Only 

EVENTS ( $1.00 Admission required) 
 House of Mirrors by ASTA http://astasworld.blogspot.com 

heheheh, this is an example of what might happen to you if you entew my house of miwwows
(all the finished photos will appeaw in the blogvillefun site aftew febwuawy the 15th

Dunk Tank by Puddles http://wethreedoxies.blogspot.com
 Contortionists by Mayor Madi http://downhomeinnc.blogspot.com 
Carnival GAMES by Roo http://www.roosdoins.com 
Fortune Teller by Molly the Wally http://mollythewally.blogspot.co.uk 
Kissing Booth by Mayzie & Pip http://mayziegal.wordpress.com http://pipinthegame.blogspot.com

 SIDE SHOW Attraction Events... FREE for ALL....
 FUReak Show by Beachnut and Shelldon http://sargespeaksout.blogspot.com Foodables by Chef Sasha http://chicamom85-sassysasha.blogspot.com 
Carnival RIDES by Sallie http://romancepuppy.blogspot.com 
Clowns by Tuiren http://alasandra2003.blogspot.com 
Stuffie Tamer by Frankie F. http://frankiefurterprice.blogspot.com 

Our MUSICAL Director is Sweet William the SCOT http://sweetwilliamthescot.blogspot.com 

 Friday FEBRUARY 15th. and Saturday FEB. 16th. 

SOME... not all events will need for you to send a picture...or leave a special comment on the HOST's Own blog.... the individual hosts will let you know what is needed from YOU DEADLINE for SUBMISSIONs is Friday FEBRUARY 1st. 

if you want to come to the House of Miwwows that I will be hosting, pleez send me a pictoowe of youwself
(it can be just youw face, ow whole body, but the limit is one fuw each fuwwkid in youw family 
by Febwuawy 1st 
send youw photo to my peemail:
gekroon at gmail dot com 

Put fun house Miwwow in the subject line and tell me who is in the pictuwe and the name of your blog. If you don't have a blog you can still pawticipate just tell us the name of thefuwwkid in the picture, and if you has a Facebook Page or something you can give that info, so peeps can come tell you how CUTE you awe and stuffs. make shoowe you diwect evewyone to
 The Big Top Circus Tent for the gweatest show on EAWF!AWF!

 PeeS........ there will be MUCH MORE information coming your way.... in FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS.... There will be a Give AWAY and a BIG... MYSTERY to help solve.. STAY TUNED... and be ready to be DAZZLED and AMAZED TRULY ENTERTAINED.

so pleez join us in the fun and help ouw fwiends

A big Thank you to Fwankie Fuwtew fow putting all this infowmashun togethew fow all of us!

 In a Welated stowy thewe is going to be an auction to help waise moneys fow Salliethe womance Puppy

 items are needed for the auction to help waise money fow Sallie. If anyone has anything, they can email a picture of the item, a short description and a suggested started bid to Marg. margaretmsan@gmail.com  

The auction will be held at the Furriends of the CB auction blog. 

 Thank you deew fwiends fow helping
smoochie kisses

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Pwayews and cwossed paws fow Mw.Pip

Sweet fwiends , the NewYeaw has just begun, but we have an uwgent assignment hewe in blogville
 ouw deew Mw.Pip needs ouw POTP! please send him youw love and pwayews and pawsitive enewgy and tell him how much we love him and to somehow plees get bettew 

I am cwossing all my paws and sending my most powewful healing smoochies to 
 you dawling Mw.Pip

 smoochie kisses