a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

autumn days

Autumn in Boo da Pest 

somedays thewe is a nip in the aiw and you have to weaw a coat while going out to weed pee mail 

 the leaves awe falling 
and the  peemails awe easiew to wead

wet leaves keep the messages fwesh

and thewe awe fall flowews evewywhewe
the gwates awound twees look  mowe shiny

and then all of a sudden thewe awe days when thewe is a sunny, false summew in the aiw

cafe's decowate wif punkins

and you just want to wush out the fwont doow and expewience it all

and  see the changing colows on the twees

and take youw peeps on a looong ,looong walk

aftew a while, you just want to lie down and bask in the last of the sun

and you get thiwsty and hungwy

and you have to find a cafe fow a little snack 
pawhaps undew a pwetty twee

and then because it's fall, it gets dawk eawly 

and by the time you get to yoow stweet 

the lights awe all on 

and the whole wowld tuwns my favowite owange colow
that's the time to go home and cuwl up  in my cozy chaiw and sneep 

smoochie kisses


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

  smoochie 'nilla flavowed kisses


Monday, October 8, 2012

My aftewnoon wif Wyatt and Stanzie's Peeps

I had the most wondewful suwpwise !
about a week ago my gweat fwiends Wyatt and Stanzie sent theiw flat selves along wif theiw Pawents to visit me in pawson 

it was a bootiful Fall day, and they wewe in Boo da Pest and took time out fwom theiw advetoowes to come bwing me smoochies and a Biwfday pwessie and bellie wubbs 

(you shoold go look at Wyatt's bloggie fow mowe about theiw bootiful twip ),

I was soooo excitewed that they wewe ackshully in my woom 

Wyatt and Stanzie's Dad is an expawt tummie wubbew as you can see..
I was in heaven! 

We walked awound ouw neighbowhood and sat at a table at ouw favowite little cownew wine place next to a little pawk

While the hoomans dwank some wine and blabbed, theiw sweet Mom held me while
 I kissied my Flat fwiends(they even bwought flat Geowge with them) 

of couwse I saved some of those smoochies fow auntie Sue and unkel Paul..I just loooved them and was so happy, I climbed on the table(usually a big No-No)

all too soon, we had to walk home , they had to be on theiw way

ouw visit was much to much too showt, but so wondewful.

 I want to thank them fow taking the time to come see us and bwing me wondewful pwessies 

 My owange staw can fly fwom one woom all the way to the othew end of the apawtment and I just loooove to chase it..I also gots a most gowgoos collaw,
(many of these photogwaphs wewe sent to us by Wyatt..mommi has not been a good photogwaphew lately)

 we all hope that some day
 they can come again and we can spend mowe time togethew

 smoochie kisses


Thursday, October 4, 2012

National Taco Day

My Gweat fwiend
 Jazzi is owganizing the celebwashun of
National Taco Day

You would think intewnational Taco Day would be an easy post HAH!

  as you know, I now live 58 billion miles away fwom evewywhewe on the othew side of the wowld in a place called Boo da Pest

 while lovely, and full of food (mostly pastwies and hungawian stuff), it's not known fow it's tacos ,ow theiw ingwedients in stowes

being a stubbown tewwiew, I couldn't let that stop me, so I enlisted Mommi's help and she found a most wondewful stowe called "Ázsia" 
now you wouldn't think a stowe called Asia has taco stuff, but you would be wong

This place has spices and ingwedientses fwom all ovew the wowld

Mommi found Mexican spices, Taco shells and wefwied beens

then she went to the centwal mawket

and found gwound beef, tomatoes, icebewg lettuce and even cheddaw cheese

 she fixed us all tacos and it was soopew yummie,

(this is the deconstwucted vewsion Mommi and Daddi had)

 so hewe is a littol smileybox showing you how I set about eating it all

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Mommi was a little scawed aftewawds waiting to see if I had any bad effectses, but I'm happy to tell you, no tummie aches, not even any stinckies out my bum bum obviously, Taco's once a yeaw awe vewy good fow you 

 I hope all of you had a gweat Intewnational Taco Day too

 smoochie kisses


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Live Stwong Day

In honow of all who awe battling this howwid big C, fuwwkids and hoomans alike.... in honow of Poppy Vic and all those fwiends who have lost theiw valient fight,
 I am celbwating theiw couwage and stand by them on this Day and always 

we will nevew give up , we will win!

 smoochie kisses