Autumn in Boo da Pest
somedays thewe is a nip in the aiw and you have to weaw a coat while going out to weed pee mail
the leaves awe falling
and the peemails awe easiew to wead
wet leaves keep the messages fwesh
and thewe awe fall flowews evewywhewe
the gwates awound twees look mowe shiny
the gwates awound twees look mowe shiny
and then all of a sudden thewe awe days when thewe is a sunny, false summew in the aiw
cafe's decowate wif punkins
and you just want to wush out the fwont doow and expewience it all
and see the changing colows on the twees
and take youw peeps on a looong ,looong walk
aftew a while, you just want to lie down and bask in the last of the sun
and you get thiwsty and hungwy
and you have to find a cafe fow a little snack
pawhaps undew a pwetty twee
and then because it's fall, it gets dawk eawly
and by the time you get to yoow stweet
the lights awe all on
and the whole wowld tuwns my favowite owange colow
that's the time to go home and cuwl up in my cozy chaiw and sneep
smoochie kisses