It was beastly hot last week in Boo da Pest and Mommi has been not too well wif hew depwessions and stuff, so some deew fwiends said "come down to ouw house in Szentbékkálla".
It's in the wine gwowing wegion of Lake Balaton and they wewe about to hawvest theiw gwapes fow theiw Pee No No Awe.
So off we went to the twain stashun and twaveled in a hot old twain , but when we got thewe, it was all bootiful.
Still hot, but wif coolew evenings and a chance to swim
(plus they have aiw condishun in theiw house)
Hewe I am on the twain ankshuss fow the fun to begin
It's a bootiful house on a hill , wif lavendew and bloo skies and lots of yummie foodabulls and wine and good company
the hoomans went swimming while I dozed in the aftewnoon
then thewe wewe invitashuns to othew fwiends fow lunches and dinnews
and a day going to the local mawket
The hoomans also went fow a concewt in the local chuwch (they have concewts evewy satuwday in the summew wif all sowts of fabooloos moosishuns..this time, it was a stwing quawtet playing Shumann and Bwahms)
they sewve little nibbly things and wine aftew
if you want to see some mowe of the pictoowes fwom the twip, hewe they awe in a smileybox
This photo album made with Smilebox |
i hope you enjoyed seeing my twip and know that I have misses all of you
smoochie kisses