Happy Halloween My Deew Fwiends
gulp, it's pwetty scawy out hewe..I don't think I want to spend this holiday alone
even westauwants awe spooky..
luckily, my sissie Gwacie is having a hooge pawty and we'we all invited

I'm so vewy happy to be togethew wif my old gang
photo by Gwacie
Back row l-r: Asta, Ollie, Ruis, Gracie, & Hugo
Front row l-r: Karl, Opus, & Momo
Photo by Gwacie ..wif my additions
Gwacie has set up a photo boof, and as you can see, my BFF Lacie couldn't wesist the loowe of having hewself immowtalized
Gwacie has faboolous food and dwinks.. and all fuwwkids awe welcome
pleez go to hew place and eat and dwink and pawty wif us..
(come outside too if you dawe, whua,ha ha ha ha)
I changed into my Moo cow costoome that I got fwom my fwiend Axel..it seemed safew and wawmew than just devil howns
I fell asneep and my two sissies Gwacie and Momo kept watch all night long to make suwe i'd be safe(they have been wif me thwoo thick and thin fow yeaws )
some of you who awe new fwiends don't know about all the adventoowes we've had and ouw CCSI pwoduction Co. lead by Gwacie's angel sissie Sassie, but we had the most wondewful times togethew and I love these kitties
I wondew how it will all end?????
smoochie howling kissies