a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Come to the HALLOWEEN PAWTY at GWACIE's house

Happy Halloween My Deew Fwiends

gulp, it's pwetty scawy out hewe..I don't think I want to spend this holiday alone

even westauwants awe spooky..

luckily, my sissie Gwacie is having a hooge pawty and we'we all invited

I'm so vewy happy to be togethew wif my old gang

photo by Gwacie
Back row l-r: Asta, Ollie, Ruis, Gracie, & Hugo
Front row l-r: Karl, Opus, & Momo

Photo by Gwacie ..wif my additions
Gwacie has set up a photo boof, and as you can see, my BFF Lacie couldn't wesist the loowe of having hewself immowtalized

Gwacie has faboolous food and dwinks.. and all fuwwkids awe  welcome
pleez go to hew place and eat and dwink and pawty wif us..

(come outside too if you dawe, whua,ha ha ha ha)

I changed into my Moo cow costoome that I got fwom my fwiend Axel..it seemed safew and wawmew than just devil howns

I fell asneep and my two sissies Gwacie and Momo kept watch all night long to make suwe i'd be safe(they have been wif me thwoo thick and thin fow yeaws )

some of you who awe new fwiends don't know about all the adventoowes we've had and ouw CCSI pwoduction Co. lead by Gwacie's angel sissie Sassie, but we had the most wondewful times togethew and I love these kitties

I wondew how it will all end?????

smoochie howling kissies

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Late Wowdless Wednesday

(pleez fowgive me fow not visiting, it's one of those Mommi things again)
smoochie kisses

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A typical Day at my Wun

I twy to gweetanydoggie who comesin, and this time it's a bwand new fwiend

The hoomans sit awound fweezing wif the winds coming off the wivew

I twain any homan who happens to be thewe to play wif me. hehehehehe

see how well they coopewate?  hooman's awe quite easy to twain, you don't even have to give them tweats

I check out abandoned bags and puwses..you nevew know, thewe awe often tweats and toys in thewe

Bailey likes to sit on his Mom's lap a lot,but don't make a mistake, he's all boy!

Dolce,Pumpkin, Mickey and Bailey and theiw hoomans


if you don"t give them an incentive by bwinging them a ball, the hoomans just sit awound yakking and dwinking theiw coffees in the wintew and cool dwinkies in the summew..sheeesh
You notice, I'm not in the pictoowe..I'm still chasing the ball, Daddi is kicking fow me
 a happy weekend to all of you
and smoochie kisses

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Daddi's Biwfday Dinnew

Sowwy about the quality of these pictoowes, Mommi only had the phone wif hew to take them but I wanted to show you the most wondewfullest time Daddi had going out to dinnew wif me and Mommi (a gift fwom an An-Any-Mous benefactow)

Daddi's so lucky,  cause his Biwfday is always in the nicest time of yeaw..cleaw skies, sunshine, wawm enuff to sit outside but full of the most wondewful fwesh aiw and the smell of fiweplaces . 
We went to a soopew good Mexican Westauwant in ouw neighbowhood and waited fow a few minutes fow an empty table
fiwst things fiwst..we asked them to come and make us some Wocka Moal Ay (they make it in fwont of you at the table,,yummmmmmmmmmm) wif fwesh chipses to scoop it up
Since it was Daddi's Biwfday, I decided to let him have me as his pawsonal taste testew
it seemed to make him happy
Mommi had some chill-ees-Wa-yay-no  (I know it sounds stwange, but it was beyond delicious..full of melted cheeses,hehehehe......
and she wondews why she weighs a ton,
 and Daddi had some lamb shankses in a tewwific sauce and they bof had some beans that wewe fwied ovew and ovew
and wawm blue and white soft  tow-tea-yahs to mop up the sauce and some colowed watew wif salt awound the glass
(I've nevew seen them so happy dwinking watew)
of couwse you have to have a sweet if it's youw Biwfday and Mommi and I awe much too polite to let Daddi eat by himself
I didn't have the chocolate stuff, but the west was yummo
(Laciekins do you wecognise the schlag?)

I was totally exhausted fwom all that eating and wif the big walk in the pawk and the test the day befowe(you know,  the one I flunked)
I lay down fow a snooze while Mommi and Daddi talked and talked and fwiends walking by stopped and talked( have you noticed how much talking hoomans do?)..once thewe was no mowe food, I wasn't that intewested.

Thank you all fow youw good wishes fow Daddi's Biwfday..I think he had a gweat time
smoochie kisses

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

fawewell to a sweet little fwiend

Youw smile will stay in my heawt till we meet again SnowBall...I will miss you

SnowBall has been my good fwiend fow a long long time, and today she had to cwoss the bwidge.(she has not posted on hew blog fow ages and has mostly been on facebook lately. Hew illness took up too much of JieJie's time, but Pleez leave them a message at one ow the othew place)

I am vewy vewy sad  too many of my owiginal fwiends fwom the blog have cwossed the bwidge and so many who awe still hewe awen't blogging anymowe.
I miss those  times when we wewe all togethew

She was funny and bwave and vewy much loved by hew pawents and hew JieJie who did evewything in hew powew to give Snow Ball the best life possible.
Many of us who have been pawt of Dogs Wif Blogs have known hew fow yeaws and had many adventoowes and fun times wif hew.

Snowball loooved going to the beach, and Jie Jie made suwe she had a job that allowed hew to take the time to go thewe wif hew as much as pawsibull.  When Snow Ball stawted to get ill, jie jie used evewything in westew medicin and in altewnate  healing to give hew the best quality of life fow as long as pawsibull.

I once went to Sing a Paw to massage hew sowe little body to twy to help, but the pain was too much and hew little body couldn't fight anymowe 
finally Snowy had to leave us
anothew bootiful angel was needed in heaven..
I believe hew spiwit and smile will stay hewe wif hew family and all hew fwiends in ouw heawts until it's ouw time,  and we see hew in heaven  swimming and playing and getting all the tweats she wants

I'm sending my love to hew family and hope that they will take comfowt in knowing that Snowball was the happiest , luckiest little giwl whose life was always full of love!

smoochie kisses

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nobuddy Told Me It Was Wong

I had a vewy busy weekend..it was Daddi's Biwfday on Sunday and we wanted to celebwate all weekend long..
Satuwday mowning we all got on the subway to go up to Centwal Pawk fow a special Doggie Countwy Faiw. 

 I had to stay in my twavel bag while on the subway( to pwotect all the nice hoomans fwom me)
It's only five stops, so it only took about ten mimutes to get thewe

it was a gowgeous fall day
We got out at 72nd stweet
Look whewe we awe as soon as we entew the pawk
( Agatha and Awchie, this is fow youw PLs)

while at the pawk, Mommi thought it would be a gweat idea fow me to get my canine good citizen cewtificate 
I wemembewed the sign I saw eawliew,
so I stawted getting excitewed thinking of all the things I could do  if i had that piece of papew
I could get a highew degwee and visit hoomans in hopsitals ow nuwsing homes and kiss them and make them feel bettew..I think I can do this
then weality  hit...it was not to be...............

watch my smilebox fow mowe pictoowes of this day

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I took the test..
thewe wewe ten items I was tested on
I sat, I stayed,I didn't bawk, I walked in a cwowd of doggies and hoomans and didn't lunge ow twy any funny business, I didn't move when she wattled the fence, ow dwopped hew clip boawd on puwpose,I let hew handle me wif a comb, and touch all my feets
I was supposed to go up to the test doggie and natoowally when I got thewe , I kissed him and I did the same thing to the testing lady
the lady twied to pwetend she liked me and then
she flunked me(that was the only thing she took points off fow)..KISSES, I ask you???????????????
Nobuddy  evew told me kissing was wong
Mommi had to console me..she said the test was wong, and I was wight and the bestest canine citizen in the wowld( but I didn't get a cewtificate ow a tag).BOOOO HOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO

smoochie kisses

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Asta's contwibootion

One day  last week, I gots a peemail fwom a modeling agency..I don't know how they found me, I didn't wegistew wif them, but my angel sissie and bwofuws had some jobs yeaws ago,
So this lady asked Mommi if she still had a Wiwy kid, and what do i look like...Mommi said"why  yes we have a foxy  giwl and if you want to see hew why don't you look at hew bloggie?"  Half an houw latew she said i had a job the next day.
I was thwilled, you know how Daddi is looking fow a new job, and Mommi is spending too much time away fwom me and hew painting by wowking at unkel Tony's Tap Dance Studio to make gween papews, well, this would allow me to help them out, hehehehehehe
I hopped into a Taxi to go uptown
"awe we thewe yet Daddi?"
finally, we awwived at ouw destination on the UppewWestSide of Manhattan
This is what it looked like when we awwived...I wasn't allowed to take mowe pictoowes of the ackshual modeling, but suffice it to say, I did my job
it was exhausting..take aftew take aftew take (it was fow a company called animation stowieboawds..they make animated clips fwom weal action pictoowes)
It was nice to sneep on the way home knowing I contwibooted to the  tweat fund

(I'm still pwaying hawd fow my deew fwiends who awe so vewy ill..pleez continoo to send them youw good wishes and love)

smoochie kisses