a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, July 26, 2010

Belated Pictoowes of Stella's last day in NewYawk

These pictoowes awe fwom  the last day that The cwown pwinsess Stella Bean Latifah of Goobewstan (my Stanley's sissie)  spent wif me.  She and hew giwl wewe hewe fow the gweat DWB get togethew and stayed a few extwa days to my delight

the last evening we went fow a stwoll  along the Hudson Wivew
I wanted to show hew as much as pawsible in the time we had
the hoomans talked, we sniffed..it was a bootiful evening

see that boat wif the sails???? Mommi says that's the one all the DWB hoomans wewe on a few nights eawliew and it was heavenly to glide quietly along the wivew
those poles used to suppowt a piew, now they'we just decowation
we attwacted a lot of attention..you'd think they had nevew seen squawe dogs befowe

we stopped and talked to lots of othew fuwwkids..this guy looked so much like Joe Stains..I was weally disappointed to see him being all smiley and not leaving a single stain..obviously, he was an imp ostow
we got home and flopped down on the bed fow a last love fest wif Stella and Stanley's Giwl Lisa( she is an expawt bum scwitchiew)..I hope they come back soon, despite the fact that the fiwst day they got hewe , I inadvewtantly gave Stella a little bit of  haiw stwipping, (luckily, she didn't weally cawe..she's soopew cool and can give as good as she gets) hehehe..but aftew that, we wewe best of fwiends

I hope all of you go to El'Bows bloggie to vote fow his biwfday contest and leave him a Happy Biwfday message while thewe!!!

I won't be awound fow a few days so pleez I again ask fow youw patience in getting to all of you..I will twy honest...you know I love you all to bits wight????

smoochie kisses

Sunday, July 25, 2010

GWAMMOMMI's Biwfday and Asta gets awawd

 Fiwst of all I want to wish my Gwammami in heaven a Happy Biwfday

I nevew got to know hew..she went to heaven 36 yeaws ago aweady..she  was only 60 yeaws old
much too young to leave us .

She was smawt and bootiful and loved aminals and flowews and books!!!! and moosic and dance and awt  and mommi still misses hew lots and will  till they meet again

Hewe awe a couple of pictoowes of hew:
this was one summew in Hungawy befowe the waw
 hewe she is wif my Gwammpapa when they wewe fiwst mawwied
and hewe was Gwammomi in switzewland aftew she had to be a wefoogee fwom Hungawy
I wish I could meet hew and give hew a Biwfday smoochie kiss


My Sweet sissie Gwacie has sent me this awawd fow the doggie viwtooal vewsion of hew summew photo contest..now it's a bootiful awawd, but you have to wealize that i was the onliest entwant in that cat uh gowy..so it's not neawly as impwessive as it could be..I wish mowe of you would have submitted photos, but I guess ouw hoomans awe too busy these days booo hooooo
I accept gwatefully deew Gwacie!!!!
(it was fow a wondewfully wowfwhile cause..helping Maxie wif hew vet bills)

hewe I am wif the othew winnews at the acceptance cewemony..yes, you awe seeing cowwectly, my BFF Lacie was thewe..she entewed and won the WEAL Photo cat uh gowy

photo by Gwacie

Front row/ l-r: Gracie, Ellie, Harry Spotter, & Allie
Back row/l-r: Tamir, Asta, & Lacie

thank you fow the awawd
I hope all of you had a lovely weekend
smoochie kisses

Friday, July 23, 2010

Thank yoos and wemindews

Deew Fuwwiends, Thank you fow all youw good wishes and encouwaging wowds about my eyes..I knew you'd be able to make me feel bettews.
I'm having the salve put in fow anothew seven days, so I look kind of gweasy and icky, but it feels bettew.
Mommi is investigating the suwgewy pawt, to see if we can somehow affowd it, it's pwetty obvious that this will be a wecuwwing pwoblem and she doesn't want my cownea to get damaged

Now do you wemembew when I asked you to submit pictoowes to my sissie kitty Gwacie fow a contest a while ago?
It was fow doggies and kitties , but i think the only doggie othew than me who submitted a pictoowe was my BFF Lacie 

(doesn't this pictoowe of me and some of my fwiends  playing in the watew cool you off?)

Anyway, the winnew  will be announced on Gwacie's bloggie whewe she is also having an auction

Thewe awe items fow bof Doggies and kitties , so please twy to go and bid if you can

go hewe pleez

This auction promises to have something for everyone thanks to our wonderful furries that have donated items for you to bid on. All money raised will help Maxie pay for his vet bills. These bills were incurred due to a vet that made a horrible mistake. Our photo contest for Maxie was a great success with many photos being submitted and many voting for their favorite photos. The winners of the summer photo contest will be announced on July 25. The winners in each category, there are four, will be given gifts custom picked by me, Gracie. Head over to the auction blog and see what great items are waiting for you. Again, thanks to all who have helped with their donations of money or items. 

Gracie, Head Auctioneer.

Pleez fwiends, don't fowget  ouw sweet fwiend Shelby
click on the  button on the uppew wight of my bloggie

I know you'we constantly being asked fow help and it's ovew whelming, but even a tiny bit helps if all of us do it, and if you can't, then cwossing paws and pwaying  and leaving a message of encouwagement helps twememndously

Thanks evewyone
smoochie kisses

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm sooo In salted

Well, it's back to weality  I guess.
Aftew all the wondewful magic of visitows  and pawtying the gwim evewyday has wetuwned.
I still have some pictoowes to show you of Stella and i having a bootiful last walk togethew befowe she had to go home to Goobewstan, but fiwst I have to show you this

now if you'we squeemish, pleez don't look  
it's pwetty yucky.

Mommi totally fweeked out yestewday..I  woke up wif a booboo eye and she dwagged me to the dogtow wight away
I had blood all ovew my face which she wiped away wif a stewile gauzey thing
it totally wuined my eye linew
they wewe nice enough to see me wight away..luckily, they awe only a seven minute walk fwom my house
Pleez look at the wall above me, do you notice something familiaw???
yep, it's my angel sissie and bwuffuws Nikki,Chawlie and Nowa  , and Petey on the uppew left.
I think I heawd my name called
the nice nuwse lady put us in an examination woom and weighed me 
( I won't tell you how much I weigh....aftew all, I'm a giwl)
and I checked things out while we waited fow the dogtow
I was a vewy good giwl, this stuff doesn't scawe me, but the lady held me so I  would be vewy still fow my eye exam
The dogtow put all sowts of icky liquids in my eye and looked wif a weally bwight light
I'm sposed to put  some salve in my eyes fow ten days, twice a day, so that the infection goes away and the cyst thingy doesn't come back
He said, I don't have any ulcewation on my cownea ow anything.  
That's the good pawt
Hewe's the in salting pawt:  He says I have a chwonic pwoblem wif my eye lidses and most pwobably need an "eye Lift"
Well, I nevew!!!!!
I'm only thwee and thwee quawtews yeaws old and don't have baggy eyes like Mommi, so I don't undewstand what he is talking about..sheesh..cosmetic suwgewy fow MOI??????
Do you think I look old and baggy?????

smoochie kisses

Monday, July 19, 2010


I finally can show you some behind the scenes photos of the most excitewing week we had

Ouw houseguest (Stella and hew giwl) awwived in the dead of night to avoid those pesky puppewatzy that hound this cwown pwinsess of Goobewstan whewevew she goes

hew Giwl Lisa(almost my mothew -in -law at one point), gave me lots of lovies 

I couldn't believe I was meeting the Goobette

aftew a little walk , showing hew my stweet, I invited hew in
I was most impwessed by hew Non shell aunt attitoode wif the big city
She went into ouw whiwly doow and the elevatow as if she had lived hewe all hew life..and the city sounds didn't even make a dent in hew composoowe

when we got to the eevatow I stawted to look fow my Stanley
I couldn't believe that he didn't come see me

Stella got comfowtable on the sofa wight away

I let hew west aftew hew long flight
(they had theiw flight cancelled and then we wooted and it took two times as long as it should have)

aftew a while we switched places..she had to twy out what was most comfy fow hew

the next day was when most people wewe awwiving fow the meeting  and gathewing on auntie Jane's and Petey's wooftop fow a dwinkie at 5, but befowe that I had to dwag my guest to lunch at Pastis(evewyone who stays at my house has to go thewe, hehehe)

while we waited fow a table Mommi had to talk to Mumsie about hew awwival

they always giggle togethew

I asked Mommi to get off the phone so we could have lunch..Stella and I wewe stawving

finally, we got seated in the shade
(it was a bizawwo day..sun, heat, wain, sun , heat, wain altewnating all day)

we wewe hot and hungwy

Mommi and Daddi had theiw oosual(split a buwgew and have a mawtooni )
I showed Stella the pwopew way to eat those yummielicious fwench fwies..she leawned vewy vewy quickly

as soon as we got done we had to wun home cause it was stawting to wain again luckily, we live two blocks away and we made it befowe the big downpoow

Mommi was getting mowe and mowe newvous that we wouldn't be able to go on the sailboat aftew dinnew, but as you'll see in this smilybox, the dogstaw smiled on us and we had a most bootiful evening

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It was an amazing day meeting so many of ouw DWB fwiends and especially, Bwooke and Gweg , the foundews of DWB, who came all the way fwom Ostwalia.  The pawty went on half the day on Wednesday well into the night, and all of Thuwsday fwom 11-12 AM.

We loved meeting so many new fwiendses and seeing some old ones.
 Auntie Claudette was able to come  to evewyone's delight(hew twip made possible by lots of love fwom many fwiends)  We hope coming will give hew lots of stwength to keep fighting hew nasty big C

(just look at how happy she looks at the wight of this pictoowe on Auntie Jane's deck)

The powew of the paw is twemendoos. It unfowtoonately had to be used soon aftew fow Mumsie and hew family , when Lacie,Scwuffy and babyStan's Dadsie had a Cowonawy two days aftew this meet.

He is doing miwacoolously well and will be going home fwom the hospital any day now.
Thank you all fow ouw love and  stubbown healing thoughts and pwayews fow him..Mumsie is sooo vewy gwateful..she told mommi today that it's been such a help to hew.

smoochie kisses

message fwom mommi:

We thought of all of you and were sorry you couldn't all be here..you were all in ouw thoughts and the stories we told  and in our hearts as we sat around talking about the miracle of all being brought together by the one thing we have in common despite our incredibly diverse backgrounds.....the love of our Dogs! and other furrkids!

Special thanks to Brooke and Greg and their magical dog Charlie who inspired and started all this, and thank all of you made the trip  from far and near to come and help us celebrate

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Crossed Paws Needed

Scruffy, baby Stan and Lacie ask for your crossed paws and pwayers for their Daddi John who is in the emergency ward following a cardiac arrest.

Please go to holyterriers.blogspot.com

Sad Smootchie kisses,

Sunday, July 11, 2010


It's too fantastic to believe, but the foundews of DWB  angelCHAWLIE, OPY AND BENSON'S pawents awe hewe in the USofA all the way fwom OSTWALIA and a whole bunch of my fwiends awe coming hewe , to my house to meet them and each othew!!!!
WOOOT (as Wuby would say)

I've been cleaning and scwubbing and getting weady fow a billion of my flat fwiends and theiw hoomans who awe coming 

the official day of the meeting is thuwsday the 15th, but many of them awe hewe in town aweady  at the beginning of this week

I also stawted cooking  fow them , but ummm, that didn't go so well

I just want evewything to be pawfect fow all my fwiendses, so I was quite depwessed 

finally, I wealized that  living in NewYawk City, you can have anything delivewed, so even if I wuin all the food, no one will stawve, hehehehe

I'm soooo excitewed, you just can't imagine!!!
aside fwom all my flat fwiends, I'm going to have a vewy special woyal house guest
(hint: she's almost my sissie -in-law)

Pleez deew fwiends fowgive me if I don't wite ow come awound like I want to..I'll twy, but might not have time. Pleez know I am thinking of all of you and wishing each and evewyone of you could be hewe wif us.

stay healthy  and have fun until I get back
smoochie kisses