a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wun Halloween

My Bwuvvew Duffy and I went to ouw offishal Halloween pawty at ouw doggie wun as Little wed widing Hoodie and the Big bad woof dwessed like Gwamma, hehehehehe

Evewydoggie posed fow a pictoowe befowe going in

Duffy had glasses and big Bad Wolf Eaws and looked altogethew amazing!
I think we wewe the bestest paiw thewe. (his Mommi watches pwoject wunway, and she heawd Tim Gunn's voice in hew head saying "make it work" hehehehehehehe
well she cewtainly did

He took off his glasses and hat and we wewe weady to have FUN!!!!!

hewe is a smilebox showing you some of the pawty..Mommi had to be outside photogwaphing the doggies as they came in,so she didn't get such gweat pics fow my blog, but i hope you'll get the idea
(don't get scawed of the moosic, covew youw eaws little ones)

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of couwse we all got goody bags, filled wif tweats and toys

I think I belong to the coolest wun in the wowld and want to thank auntie Twacey and unkel Wandy fow all theiw hawd hawd wowk in making it that way

hope all of you awe safe and had a fun time too!!!!!!
smoochie kisses

Halloween Pwepawations

Today I went to my doggie wun to help the hoomans and doggie fwiends decowate fow tomowwow's Halloween Pawty...
You can look at some of ouw wowk on this smilebox. Hope you all have a gweat day!

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Friday, October 30, 2009

A date wif Scootew and Halloween plans

I have a date wif Scootew!!!!!!!

Miss Peach and hew anomewata Mickey awe getting mawwied tomowwow.
She is a lovely kitty wif a love of all things Victowian.
I fiwst met hew cause she is Jackson't NOMSSF (not of my species special fwiend) and also
Miss Blue's cousin
The wedding plans have been in place fow ages and I have the honow of being one of hew bwidesmaids.

Scootew has done me the honow of accompanying me.
He is picking me up wif his Hawwiew (he can land it on my woof) and pwomised to bwing me back in time fow the Halloween Pawty at my wun
This is how Scootew and I awe dwessed.
Weady to go (he had this outfit on undew his pilots outfit, hehehe) what a gweat guy.
I just know I'm going to have a blast

Please stop by and wish the Happy Couple a lifetime of happiness!

as fow Halloween,
I was supposed to go as Litte Wed Widing Hood and look something like this

howevew doo to Mommi's incompetence, this is how faw she has gotten wif my costoome,

I gave up waiting fow hew to get hew act togethew and went to sneep

I'll let you know how it all tuwns out.
I pwomise to have pictoowes of the pawty , but as of now, it looks like I'm going to be
Little Wed Widing HOODIE, wahhahahahahahahahaha

Happy Halloween to all my dawling fwiends!!!!!!!

smoochie spookie kisses

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Suwpwise invitation fow a Snow Day

It was dweawy and wainy in New Yawk, but luckily,my sissie Fewgi called wif gweat news!

It snowed buckets in hew home state of colowado and hew yawd tuwned into a wintew wondewland
It's only Octobew and I suwe didn't expect to be able to play in the snow yet, but wooo hooooo
Fewgi invited Lacie and Agatha along wif me to come play in hew snow!!!!

This was a suwpwise giwlie fun day, and boy did we have fun

I bwought along my big owange blow up sled fow all of us to slide awound on..What Fun!!!!!

Of couwse we all fell off at one poing and just wan, and womped, and fwew snow ball and got all full of snow, hehehe

Aftew we got thwoo playing, we went in to sit by the fiwe and talk and dwink some of Lacie's delicious new hot toddy smoofies
I don't know if it was the snow, ow the dwinkies, but we all dwifted off to sneep

Thank you deaw sissie Fewgi fow giving us this glowious snow day!!!! I love you vewy much.

I'd also like to thank Mack and Sally Ann fow this lovely awawd..they say I'm the pwincess of my house, hehehe
I'd like to pass this along to all my giwlfwiends..I think you awe all pwincesses. Pleez feel fwee to take the awawd when you visit me

smoochie kisses

Family Weunited

I was out admiwing the bootiful fall leaves wif my sissie Mywna , when Vinnie,the postman, stopped us on the stweet and said thewe was a telegwam waiting fow Mywna at the fwont desk.
We huwwied as fast as hew wheels and my feets would allow back to ouw building.
She wead it out loud to me:

My sweet Myrna wife... I will be arriving in New York by Dale express (if he can stay on his feet) by midnight. This house is just too weird even for a short visit with Scruffy, Stanny and that Lacie. I only hope our dear Bert has not absorbed any of this oddness...ticks on heads...matches and ticks, tons of candles??, flat dogs in corners and finally tonight's episode...Mumsie came up to my room where I sleep when visiting...she had those pink pepto bismal tutus in her clawlike hands, ready to put them in the already stuffed dog torture drawer....then she saw me...and an IDEA formed....I didn't wait for the inevitable...I grabbed Bertie and wheeled to the unconscious Dale and climbed aboard...I refoose to plie, rel a vay, jete or any other stoopid ballet move ever... I am most looking forward to being reunited with you, my Darling....
Yours in wheel oil,

You see Gilbewt took Bewtie fow a visit wif his aunt Lacie and unkels Scwuffy and babyStan
but if you've been to theiw bloggie lately , you know what kaos it can be.
Fwankly, Mywna also suspects that Bewtie's unkel's might not be the bestest inflooence on a boy of his tendew yeaws..I mean cigaw chomping pokew pawties almost evewy night........

This is Mywna evewyone..I will tell you what happened next: I quickly got the house weady, but didn't have time to dwess befowe my Dawling husband Gilbewt and baby boy Bewtie awwived

Gilbewt and I tucked Bewtie into bed wif his sissie Womy and aftew a stowy, and a lullabye, the exhausted little cuties dwifted off to sneep

I had chilled the mawtoonis in anticipation, and told Gilbewt to get comfowtable and take off his wheels
we talked long into the night and wewe soo vewy happy to be togethew again
It's still waining hewe, but we'll go fow a lovely woll wif the kids and look at all the fall decowations tomowwow
I just hope babyStan got home Ok and things have settled down in the Kweit household
those youngstews awe aways up to something.

(if you don't believe me, go see fow youwselves)

Fow now, I'm not letting my family out of my sight

wheeley smoochies

smoochie kisses

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekend - a wash..xept fow an Impawtant Biwfday

Satuwday got totally sogged out..stawted wif spwinkles and tuwned into towwential wain

Mommi twied out taking pictoowes wif hew phone while going to the mawket in the mowning

Apples, apples,,apples..yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! and Fuji apple juice, the BEST!

evewything looks bootiful against the wet black of the stweets

I'm glad the mawket hoomans don't get scawed off by the wain. They aways have cookies fow me
and lovely veggies to take home

I love the squishy wet leaves..they make fow good pwactice fow ice skating season hehehehe

I went home and spent the day sneeping ..it was pwetty boowing.
Mommi and daddi went to the movies and stoopid theatwes won't let me in.

Nevew mind, all was not lost, in between naps and chewing on my cown,
Lacie and I texted each othew all day and had some gweat laughs, and along the way, I got some impawtant infowmation.....you'll nevew guess who's Biwfday we missed...

MANGO MOM's!!!!!

I stole this cawd that Lacie, Scwuffy and baby Stan made fow hew..

She's pwetty amazing..she even knows how to do ciwcus acts as you can see

Happy Biwfday Mango Mom (Pleez all go wish hew a Gweat One and many mowe!)
We love you, and think you'we a vewy cool lady(and, bootiful too)
I hope Baxtew and Mango made you a fabbews cake and played wif you to make this a vewy special day!

smoochie kisses

Wunning!!! and a pledge!!!! to help wescoo

This is a pictoowe of my Sweet fwiend Toffee and Wiley's MOM auntie Alett
She is a tewwific wunnew and Toffee has a special wequest fow all of you DWB pals
hewe is what she wites:

"Hello DWB pals. I am writing today to BEG you to please consider helping my mom. My mom has the possibility of representing the Animal Rescue League of Boston in the 2010 Boston Marathon. She is raising pledges to try to be picked as the runner who will get the marathon number that has been given to the League. The winner will be based on who can raise the most in pledges between now and October 31st. 100% of donations raised will go to the charity.

The Animal Rescue League of Boston is a humane organization that: places homeless pets with loving people, helps prevent cruelty and neglect, promotes humane education as well as other services for animals such as veterinary care, animal rescue, foster care, rehabilitation and training. To learn more about the Animal Rescue League click HERE.

Additionally, next May my mother is turning 5.714 dog years (40 in human years) and it would be great if I could help her attain one of her dreams as a 40th birthday present - that is, to run the Boston Marathon.

If you can help please email: petfxr@gmail.com with the amount that you can pledge."

All this talk of wunning cewtainly got me in the mood to go to the wun, and i was in luck..it's not waining fow a change, hehehe

I wait stealthily(is that a wowd? pwobably not, but you know what i mean)

and wait

and wait

finally I get to wun aftew the ball as you can see in this video

it's sowt of small, cause Mommi didn't have hew camewa wif hew..just hew phone

I hope all of you will go and help Toffee and hew Mom out wif pledges
Thank you
smoochie kisses

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Saying goodbye to an angel pup

Wawning, you need a handkewchief to watch this twiboote

I told you a few weeks ago about this wondewful angel Baxtew who gave so much love and welief to so many as a Thewapy dog wowkig in hospices .
Sadly, I just found out that he cwossed the bwidge on the 16th of Octobew.
Pleez join me in wemembewing wif love this sweetie and all doggies who do such impawtant wowk

West in peace sweet angel Baxtew. Thank you fow all the love you passed awound
smoochie kisses

Pleez don't fowget to go to Sassy and The CCSI site fow the concloosion of Sassy's wetiwement and the pawty in Vewsailles
( you do want to see me in my evening gown don't you???

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Nuwse Asta wecommends fow all those who feel like hew Mommi and Daddi this season

wif added smoochie kisses

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Evewything is weady fow Daddi's BiwfdayPawty
I wish you could have all joined us

I helped get evewything weady ..only the fweshest ingweedientses will do

I was making Boof Bow gee nom

you have to do evewything cawefully in owdew! We fwench chefs have stwict wooles and as evewyone knows, we tewwiews make paw-fay fwench chefs..we have ze NOSE!!!!!

musn't fowget to poow in two bottles of wed wine aftew you have dee glazed the pan wif co-knack

get the little onions nice and glazed..(sluwp), scooze me, they awe iwwesistable

saute the mush wooms

and VOI LA!!!!!!!!!

pawfect! The smells is enuff to dwive you wild
gwab some cwusty bwead and dig in

followed by salad, scwumptious cheese and quince paste
then the specktackoolaw Biwfday cake made by auntie Kawen

I made you a smilebox so you can see what fun we had and feel like you wewe thewe too

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Mommi was so happy, cause Daddi and ouw fwiends all had a gweat time, and Duffy and i wewe sooo goood!

I stawted to fade towawds the end..It was a long day and I was tiwed

A kiss goodnight and I was off to bed

Thank you fow all youw wondewful good wishes fow my sweet sweet Daddi!
He had a gweat Biwfday!
I hope he has many many many many mowe!

As sweet Kousin Koobie pointed out if Daddi is 70, that makes him only 10 in doggie yeaws, so he has many wondewful yeaws left to enjoy.

Now I have a hooge favow to ask
PLEEEZ go to Sassy's blog and then fwom thewe to the CCSI blog and leave a message fow Sassy
it's a vewy impawtant wetiwement pawty fow hew and no one is visiting
PLEEEZ do this fow me
Thank you sweet fwiends.
I hope you all of you had a gweat weekend!

I'm now going to make Mommi take a nap, and when she wakes we'll come visit as many of you as we can
smoochie kisses