a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, May 30, 2009


my Stanley is gone..he went back to wule his countwy and I miss him sooooooooooooooooooo
I spent most of the day by my doow, hoping he'd come back, but he didn't

all I have is my tweasoowed memowies of ouw time togethew
and his sweet tendew kisses
(Oh, and my Ginowmous diamond which I will show you at a latew date)

I have mowe pictoowes of some of ouw good times. I will shawe them ovew the next days wif you...

hewe is a smile box of ouw day that we spent in Centwal Pawk:

Stanley will have his own vewsions as soon as his Giwl gets a little west and then puts them up fow him. (Make soowe you go visit them)
I know fiwst they will have a vewy happy weoonion wif my bbf, his little sissie,
Stella Bean Latifah and Mewv (who i heaw was none too happy to be left at home )

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: Centwal Pawk wif A&S
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we ended ouw day wif a pedicab wide
(btw, the guy was woode----he didn't shawe his ice cweam)

now I have to go sneep...and dweam


I hope all of you awe having a gweat weekend
smoochie kisses

pee ess pleez go and congwatulate Mawtha and Bailey on theiw hundwedth post! it's fow a good cause too!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Asta and Stanleys fuwthew adventoowes

We awe still busy twenty fouw thousand houws a day..tomowwow is the last day my Dawling Stanley will be hewe(snifff, booo hoooo),
as you've no doubt noticed, I have not had a chance to post much, and I haven't come awound to visit you my sweet fwiends.
I will twy to wemedy that eventooally
(Mommi says fiwst we have to sneep, clean house and do laundwy fow a week, hehehehe)

 We wewe sad that we had only one day to spend wif ouw dawling Agatha and Awchie, but the next mowning we had to be on ouw way to continoo ouw woadtwip along wif Sophie La Bwadow
this the continooation of ouw Goobtoow and meetup wif DWB fwiends

I hope you enjoy watching it!

Click to play this Smilebox photobook: Visiting Maggie/Mitch
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BTW,when we wewe inside Maggie&Mitch's magnificent bawn, wew wewe all off leash and I'm pwoud to say, that I was able to play wif all the big kids, hehehehe
I picked up the most hoomongous ball and played chasey tag wif Mitch a lot.
all the hoomans wewe amazed at just how well we all got along
( I wasn't suwpwised.........I knew we would)

love and smoochie kisses

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The histowic Day Has awwived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSTON wif A&A and SOphie and My GOob

We twaveled to boston to meet ouw deawest Fwiends Agatha and Awchie!
Hewe I am giving the continental kiss on each cheek!

Of couwse Stanley wanted to kiss too
we had so much to talk about..
WellI'll let you see fow youwself..I put ouw pictoowes in a smilebox!

Stanley will give you his vewsion of the twip as soon as he can..so make suwe you visit all ouw bloggies to get the full scoop!
Agatha and Awchie wewe needless to say faboolous ! and then Sophie joined us on this twip as well..
I wish you could have all been thewe
It was the BEST!!!!!!

Click to play this Smilebox photobook: Road trip to Boston
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I hope you enjoyed that glimpse into a wondewful day!  Make suwe you visit Agatha and Awchie and Stanley and Sophie's bloggies to get the west of the stowy
smoochie kisses

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Deew Fwiends, I'm tuwning my bloggie ovew to my deew fwiends at CCSI pwoductions while Stanley and I go away to visit Agatha and Awchie in Boston, and Maggie and Mitch in CT.
Miss Sophia La Bwadow is joining us in Boston, and will come back to New Yowk to continoo the fun hewe in NYC next week.
I hope all of you have a faboolous weekend and Memowial Day Holiday.

and now fow the post pwoduction pawty pictoowes!!!!!!
I hope you enjoy them and if you haven't seen the show, pleez go and watch it at Sassy's bloggie

As is tradition after a successful CCSI show we are having a cast and crew party! Here are the executives of Little Production, still on location at the Byrd Mansion, also known as Westover, in Virginia, trying to figure out where to have the party.

picture by Asta

After a glass of that fabulous New Zealand wine that Momo brought along Ollie decides to climb up on a roof where she has an idea!

picture by Momo

All agree that this might be the best idea - food is brought in, the famous house wine from The Cat Realm is added, and someone even put up some decoration. Here is the whole cast on the front lawn of the mansion.

picture by Karl

The cast is eager to help with the preparing of the food (we wonder why?):
Fat Eric, Ayla and Luxor take care of the fish, while Miles, LC, Perfect Parker and Angus Mhor are grilling the chicken and beef.
Momo and Opus don't understand that Dr. Tweety and Sassy apparently already have eaten something.
Karl whispers something in Ruis's ear and Ollie has a conversation with Pearl while Titus and Asta try to keep an eye on all and everything to make sure the party doesn't go out of hand.
Not that that has EVER happened before....hehehehehehe

picture by Ruis

All of a sudden Asta is heard shouting from the garden:

picture by Karl

And after everybody races over there, this is what we see. Our bridge animals appeared in the fountain!

picture by Karl

We think this is the perfect moment to commemorate all the men and women who died while in military service as it is Memorial Day today.

picture by Karl

Then Miles insists on re-enacting his famous corpse scene. Director Ruis is a good sport and goes along while Ollie and Asta try to figure out how to actually shoot the whole thing....

picture by Karl

Meanwhile the others are attacking the buffet - Ayla fills the plates with food and Asta serves them around, Perfectly Parker serves herself, Luxor and Opus try to be regal on their respective cat sofas and Ruis and Karl still have something to whisper about.....

picture by Ruis

And then the entertainment arrives!!! Sassy has arranged for some Elvis impersonators to come and sing, hurray!!!!

picture by Sassy

Now let's party!

I would like to thank my sweet fwiends, Karl and Ruis, my Sissies Momo and Sassy fow owganizing this faboolous post-pwoduction pawty and fow all theiw vewy hawd wowk befowe and doowing this latest wondewful CCSI episode. I love you all
smoochie kisses

Friday, May 22, 2009


As you've pwobably aweady saw on his bloggie, I was waiting anxiously all day, and aftew fowevew, My Stanley finally awwived

he checked wight away if I was twooly his little fuzzbutt, hehehehehe
I showed him a little of the wivew fwont by my house
I wanted him to come inside so I could show him whewe I live

well, welcome my sweet Love..make youwself at home

Mommi had to westwain my enfoosiasm..this is pwetty exciting. My goob. HEWE!!!! in pawson
I sniffed him
and kissed him...the poow boy was tiwed fwom all his twavels

I did my seductive wootine on him

and asked if he could pleez come back down to my level..this is stwaining my neck hehehehe
that's bettew...I told him to settle down and get some good sneep..I think he felt wight at home

the next day, we went out fow a walk in the neighbowhood, and had lunch
Then showed him my favowite place to get Gelato!

Stanley doesn't quite have the lick method down yet..but I'll teach him

aftewwawds ouw Mommi's thought we should go to the wun
Stanny and I discussed it and told them they wewe nuts!
it was 2,859 degwees out thewe, so aftew dipping ouw faces in the watew bucket we insisted on going home.
Stanley found my alligatow and asked what it was fow
I told him it made a lovely accesowy...shawl/headpiece
awe you kidding??? Girrrlllllls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( he wolled his eyes)
he laughed at me and went fow a dwink in the kitchen
when he came back, I showed him pawt of my toy collection
I let him get aquainted wif my bwand new monkey fwom Jake and Just Hawwy

but then I decided a tug of waw was in owdew
it wowked much bettew when I equalized ouw heighth diffewence

we awe bof pwetty pooped..it's been hot, and we've done so much..I think it's time fow a nap
a little chawdonay my Love??? befowe bed?
I accompanied him to his woom
I think he looks pawfect on my sofa made into a bed.

sweet dweams evewyone.

Pleez fowgive us if we don't post ow answew..I'm weading as many of youw adventoowes as possible , but don't have time to weply....these awe busy busy days.

Please check bof Stanny's blog and mine, we will pwobably altewnate!
Happy weekend evewyone
smoochie kisses